Fully vaccinated - How or Will Your COVID Routine Change?

The actual paper notes some nuances, particularly one versus two doses (the UK prioritized getting first doses out, so many people got one dose but spent a lot of time in that state waiting for the second dose):

See table 2 on page 17-18.

Two doses of Pfizer - BioNTech resulted in 100% antibody prevalence in ages 18-79, 97.8% in ages 80+. But one dose resulted in antibody prevalence that declined by age from 100% in ages 18-29 to 32.3% in ages 80+.

For the Oxford - AstraZeneca vaccine, two doses resulted in antibody prevalence from 100% in ages 18-39 down to 83.6% in ages 80+, but one dose resulted in antibody prevalence from 72.2% in ages 18-29 to 46.3% in ages 80+.

Vaccine 1d vs Alpha 2d vs Alpha 1d vs Delta 2d vs Delta
Pfizer - BioNTech BNT162b2 49% 93% 33% 88%
Oxford - AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 51% 66% 33% 60%

(1d = 1 dose, 2d = 2 doses, Alpha = B.1.1.7, Delta = B.1.617.2)