Indiana University Bloomington Campus Visits: Share Your Tips & Recommendations

Did you recently visit Indiana University Bloomington? Share your experience with the community! Post your review in the comments below.

Some ideas for what to share:

  • When did you visit?
  • Where did you stay? Would you recommend it?
  • Where did you eat? Did you try any local specialties?
  • How did you get there? What’s the best transportation mean to get to-from the campus?
  • What was the campus vibe?
  • What did you think of the dorms?
  • What are some must-see things in or around campus?
  • How were the school facilities?
  • Did you like it more or less than you thought you would? Why?
  • Did anything surprise you?

We’d love to hear any tips or recommendations you can share for people planning their visit!

I am visiting IU on June 10th, 2023 (Saturday) with my son who will be applying to Kelley. Unfortunately this is the only time we have to visit (we are visiting from CA) and there is no Kelley specific info session on Saturday. Would any student who is still on campus be willing to meet up and show us around Kelley, is there another forum I can post this on ? Not sure where Keeley students will be able to see this.

My daughter and I visited campus a few weeks ago, and she loved it. I have to say that I thought that it was one of the most beautiful campuses I’ve ever seen. She will be applying to Kelley early action in the fall (along with a bunch of other colleges). We stayed at the Graduate right in Bloomington, and it was a wonderful hotel. The little college town is fantastic…great shops and food.


We are going in June and staying at the same place. Unfortunately there is no Kelley info session that day. We are going to try and find a Kelley student to give us the Kelley scoop. Any recommendations to give him a sense of the school/town ?

I would just recommend walking around the campus and the town (which is directly adjacent to campus) to get a feel. We didn’t have a Kelley-specific session either, but you can tour the building (Hodge Hall) and go see the dorms in the Northwest neighborhood, which is where a lot of the Kelley 1st years live. So much about the first campus visit is just “feel” to see if they like it and can see themselves there. Have a great time!

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Also, we have friends who have a daughter starting at Kelley in the fall, the the school is knee deep in new student orientation right now, so I’m sure that you will be able to find a bunch of Kelley advisors on campus when you go if you have specific questions.

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S24 and I visited in early April during his Spring Break for an Admissions Presentation and Campus Tour.

We drove down from Ann Arbor the afternoon before and stayed at The Graduate with fun Hoosier themes (and Bobby Knight inspired hallway art). Son was a bit surprised by his first exposure to lively college bar scene that evening as we walked around. :grinning:

The in-person admissions and info session for Arts&Sciences were really well organized and the beautiful wide-screen monitor was memorable.
Unfortunately, a near-monsoon meant the office had to cancel the walking tour but staff and students pivoted well to a slide-show version of the tour. Since we had walked around campus a little the night before, this worked out well enough.

Despite the weather, IU now ranks as the #1 most beautiful campus I have ever experienced (surpassing previous #1 Scripps College).

Finished our day at Assembly Hall to buy basketball merch but storm knocked out the credit card reader and we left empty-handed.

Most unique tidbit we learned. Lots of student parking at the Football stadium lot (smart use of space) but a little inconvenient to have to move before game days and find parking somewhere else in town.

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Any tips for visit? We are going in December and will do the admissions session and tour. Staying at the Graduate. Any recs for meals or a specific dining hall we should check out for lunch?