Is California Northstate University’s BS/MD program a good choice?

Here’s the biggie–
CNU’s medical school does not participate in the federal student loan program so that its students are forced to take out private loans to pay for their medical education. This means that those loans are ineligible for federal & state repayment and scholarship programs. Things like the federal loan forgiveness program for healthcare providers (PSLF) and NHS scholarship and loan repayment programs.

There are 2 other issues to consider—

  1. CNU is under LCME scrutiny for some administrative shenanigans and has twice been denied permission to expand its class size. The LCME has also twice refuse to advance CNU accreditation status from preliminary to provisional for failing to meet certain benchmarks/standards. (LCME lis the accrediting body for med schools. Without LCME accreditation, a medical school cannot grant MD degrees.)

  2. currently most of CNU clinical rotation sites are located at hospitals owned by Kaiser which leases the clinical slots to CNU. Kaiser is opening its own med school next year and plans to end the arrangement so they can place their own students at those sites. So the ability of CNU to continue to provide adequate clinical placements for its students is in question.

As you can tell, I am not a big fan of CNU, but …

If you want more details about the program–try posting your question in the [Multiple Degree Forum](Multiple Degree Programs - College Confidential Forums). There are some students/parents who applied to CNU in the past and can share their impression of the program with you.