Loyola New Orleans - Nursing Program

Hi. My DD22 was accepted into the nursing program. We are in NY and she’s not sure if she wants to be so far from home. I don’t know much about the school but from the website and the emails we have been receiving - it seems like an incredibly supportive environment. My daughter comes from a large HS of about 3000 students so this is a “small” college for her. Would love to hear anything about the school (academically & socially) and/or the nursing program. Thanks!!

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Congratulations to your daughter!

Posts 3 & 10 on this thread might give some insight.

Also, @Topeysmom and @AmyIzzy have/had students at Loyola, and according to this thread, @Fleta1959 has a son who will be enrolling in the nursing program this upcoming fall.

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@AustenNut Thank you for the information. This is great. We were supposed to tour back in September but that was when Hurricane Ida hit. She has a twin sister who applied to Tulane so we were going to visit both. Sister is currently deferred from Tulane but Loyola just sounds like an amazing school. Love that you stated it’s not ultra conservative as that would not be a good fit if it was. Thinking we need to take a closer look and schedule a visit. They were incredibly generous with scholarship and aid.