Attend direct admit nursing program, or Pre-nursing?!

My son was admitted to the pre-nursing program at University of Alabama-Birmingham, and the direct admit nursing school at Loyola New Orleans. Is it too much of a gamble to accept the

…Pre-nursing, with no guarantee.

I would speak with the program at Alabama to get numbers of applicants vs admissions. If they say we get 200 applications and accept 150, I wouldn’t worry so much.

What is the cost difference between the 2 programs?

At Alabama, how many apply that meet the criteria and are accepted? Here in California, you could potentially have a 4.0 and still not progress into the program due to impaction.

I would want to know if my kid had a 3.5 and met the criteria that they would be accepted.

That all being said, my daughter applied to 32 ish nursing programs for this coming fall semester and 31 are direct admit. U of Arizona was the only non direct and they gave her 35k which basically covers full tuition. That would have been our cheapest option but we will be passing.

Good luck!


UAB pre-nursing to nursing admission is described at BSN Pathway - School of Nursing | UAB . Note that it says that “Meeting the minimum requirements does not constitute admission to the BSN Program.”

Loyola New Orleans says on Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Loyola University New Orleans that “You can receive your bachelor of science in nursing after completing the prerequisites in the pre-nursing program in your first year. Unlike most schools, Loyola offers a direct admit to the nursing program for pre-nursing students enrolled in the program who earn a grade of a “C” or better and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all prerequisite courses.”

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It depends upon what kind of a student your son is. If he’s an uneven one, or if he thinks that the prereqs will be too challenging, then I’d go with the pretty much sure thing. Is it a lot less money for him at Alabama-Birmingham?

Thanks so much, everyone. He just received a scholarship notice, from Loyola New Orleans, that will make the schools almost equal in cost. I think the sure thing makes much more sense.


That is wonderful news! Congratulations!

That is fantastic! Great to see more males heading into this field. (My S is considering this career as well.) We looked at Loyola and I loved it, alas I couldn’t get any of my kids to apply. I saw they are getting a new president. Exciting times.


To me it makes sense to take the direct admit, esp if the cost is relatively the same. They are both highly rated schools.

A 3.0 weed out GPA is very reasonable for Loyola. Anatomy, Physio, and Microbiology are not easy classes. Its just nice to know that there are no more hoops to jump through unlike a non direct program.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it! (Normally my children do their own leg work, but this kid is a musician, who can do science, and he seemed stumped.) We are following your advice!!