M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Though this may be quite a bit early - I thought I would start (or at least try to) the customary freakout thread. Started ages ago by a brilliant BS applicant/parent and with the tradition carried on by @minimalist last year, I hoped it was time to pass the torch.

Some info: this is the thread where people can discuss their concerns, excitements, questions, etc. In past years, these threads have been communal and kindhearted ones that I can personally attest have been so helpful.
To all Senior Members, sorry if this is started too early, just very eager and assumed the application process was in full swing :wink:

I WOULD LIKE TO SAY: This is usually for JANUARY and beyond - however, if anyone would like to use it, I’m open.
I do realize it’s very early

LOL @ivydreamer01
There is no stopping the freakout…
It starts earlier each year…
Last year (courtesy of @minimalist ) it started December
And this year… October!


My current school is quite nice, and people get into Ivy League schools, but I really want to go to boarding school. I think it would impact my life in a huge way, and I love being independent. But, my parents only want me to go to ‘amazing’ schools so I’m applying to Exeter, Andover, Choate, and Deerfield. I am freaking out because my test is in 30 days (I’m taking the ISEE in January again as well)

lol @worriedaboutprepschool ur gonna be fine :wink:
I get what you mean… where I live the local public school is one of the best in the country, but I rly want to go to BS :D…

But, my parents only want me to go to ‘amazing’ schools [\quote/]
Same… my parents are all for the whole go big or go home ideology :-S :(( :wink:

@Atria it’s so nice to know that I’m not the only one!!! I’m studying but often procrastinate studying because it is such a long term goal lol. I finished both Princeton and Kaplan books for the ISEE, which is the test I am taking. I need to improv my vocabulary and reading comp tho. I’m strutting roots, but as a person who understands, do u have any tips??

And anyone else? Tips to improve ISEE/SSAT verbal and reading?? Already studying sprooys and already an active reader, so any online sites to help?
Btw I don’t recommend varsity tutors to anyone because their practices are wayyyy harder and don’t provide right answers or examples.

The advice I would give you is search your question right here on CC, I can personally assure you it’s been answered many times :wink:

Many, many, many times

For example:

Haven’t talked here in a while, but I might as well. Took the isee, math scores were great but my reading score was terrible so I am re taking the test in January. All I need to do is create an art profolio, write my essays, and get my math teacher recommendation and I’ll be submitting. Although I have a question on the submitting part of the application process; I heard that the earlier you submit, the higher chance of you getting accprcted, much like college early applications. Is this just a myth or is this true?

How early or late you submit has no bearing on your acceptance. All applications are reviewed and considered at the same time - after the application deadline.

The admission committee likely doesn’t even meet until after the application deadline.

@worriedaboutprepschool We heard this too and we let it stress us out but it was just one other unnecessary thing for us to worry about! My kid got the applications submitted right on the deadlines and still received admission. Be thoughtful and thorough so that you are satisfied that you have represented yourself as best you could.

Thank you so much everyone! Good luck to you and all of your children in the application process

ahh thanks @worriedaboutprepschool Good luck to you too!

I’m really want to get into a BS because the school district here where I live doesn’t provide me with many opportunities and never really challenges me. I’d hate to have that hurt my general high school education because you only get to learn those things once :confused: at least with a specifically specialized teacher giving the info to you. I honestly don’t mind not getting into an Ivy if I go to boarding school b/c of the competition. I just want the education. Buuut I’m an ORM and my profile isn’t as spectacular as others.

Samee. I am an Asian female which is REALLY orm, so I am working really hard on my essays right now so I can only hope for the best!

@worriedaboutprepschool AHH omg yes same. I feel like the essays are my only hope right now, assuming that I don’t do well at my interview >.<