Middlebury College Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Applying to Middlebury College in 2022? This is a space for the members of the class of 2026 to post questions, comments or admissions stats and updates.

How do your stats compare to the students accepted last year? Check out the chart below and then share your stats, activities and more.

Middlebury College 2021 Admissions Statistics
Admissions Test Policy Test optional
Applicants Submitting SATs 63%
Applicants Submitting ACTs 44%
Waitlist Yes

A Note on Admissions Data: We get our data from Peterson’s. If some of the numbers look off, this wiki-post allows registered CC members to edit, update, or add useful information, like important dates, deadlines and admissions statistics. If you have different info from a reputable source, you are welcome to add it to this post. Just click the Edit button in the lower right corner.

To learn more about academics, student Life, tuition and aid, or admissions at Middlebury College, visit their school profile on CC College Search.

Has anyone gotten an alum interview? DD should be competitive, but it’s been crickets. Hope she didn’t miss some communication.

Yes. We are hoping this is a good sign for admissions!

We have one scheduled too, but doesn’t everyone get offered this? I don’t see it as being hopeful for admission

Middlebury tries to provide alum interviews for all applicants. Whether or when you get the interview is probably more to do with the alum interviewer’s availability for the assigned territory.

Interviewers are alums that want to give back to the school and care about future students. Their goal is to help you know the school better and help the school know you better… They don’t know your stats which is the admissions’ job to review. They help the school get to know you better as a person.

This is the personal experience shared by one of the long time interviewers:

In terms of the importance of the interview, based on Middlebury Common Data Sets, it is “considered”, but not “important” or “very important” like some other schools. See section C7.


DS (rd applicant) had one this week. He had been contacted the week prior by an alum who lives in our area to do a zoom one because - Covid of course. They had a nice talk. She asked him a lot of really good questions that I think he could have answered in a more “braggy” way but he was definitely himself. She knows his favorite teacher since she used to work at his high school. He was able to ask some college specific questions he had for her. It was an authentic conversation and very worthwhile. He liked it. Who knows what comes next.

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Thanks, All, for the interview responses. I am stymied because we are in the DC area, so I would have thought there would be alums here. DD is a strong candidate – 3.97 UW, 4.83W, magnet student, 5s on APs (BC Calc as a Soph), nat’l awards, all state orch, Nat’l Merit, sports capt, excellent arts ECs. I am worried that an email didn’t get to her and don’t want anyone to think that she is blowing it off. She has double checked inbox and junk. They say not to contact admissions about interviews. Hoping there just wasn’t an available alum and that it won’t hurt her!

I’ve heard through backchannels that Middlebury has received a record number of applications and that the alumni volunteers are having difficulty keeping up with the volume. There are many who have not yet been contacted for an alumni interview and the college is doing everything it can to get to more before the deadline for submitting reports.

Obviously not the best news for some.

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That’s good to know. Thanks!

Very helpful. Thank you!

do you know whether any priority is given to ED2? for interview purposes

Just wanted to give you a little reassurance. DS applied ED1 and was not offered an interview. He was accepted.

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The deadline for submitting ED2 interview reports has passed. So if you’re an ED2 applicant and you weren’t offered an interview, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be having one.

Where did you hear the fact about the record number of applications? Is there a specific number tied to that?

I don’t know if any preference is given. I applied ED2 and didn’t get an interview.

Update, she just got an interview scheduled. I think apps are up everywhere. Some people are sending out over 20 apps. It’s nuts!


New poster here. Can anyone speak to how much weight Middlebury puts on standardized tests in the admission process?

DD is a strong candidate but her ACT score was on the lower side (31 - 35 Eng, 33 Read, 28 Math, 28 Sci). Didn’t take SAT. Other stats: Urban public school; 4.0UW, 4.6W; 12 APs, 11 Honors; 4s & 5s on AP tests; Nat’l level athlete; Capt of high school and club travel team; Managing Editor of school newspaper; award winning journalist; summer job; 100+ community service hours.

DD had a great interview with Middlebury alum. DD has been accepted to 2 safety schools, 2 deferrals and 1 rejection from target school. Needless to say, her confidence is waning. Trying to set expectations. It’s been such a stressful admission season.

Good luck to all in the admission process. Middlebury is a special place.

info session revealed 13000 apps this year (12000 last year, 9000 the year before)


According to their common data set, test scores as listed as “important” (in between “Very Important” and “Considered.”) But, they may have changed for this year as well. That cds is from 20-21. “Very Important” are: rigor, rank, GPA, ECs, talent/ability, personal qualities. She sounds like she has a lot going on in those areas. I have to hope that many of these additional applications are from people just trying to get more chances who aren’t as invested in the school. Middlebury does consider interest. Also, maybe they will make a few more offers, know that the increase in apps is largely due to the same set applying to more schools. Many yields might go down. Also, maybe that means demonstrating interest might be more valuable?

Mine connected with a faculty member at Middlebury who seems very passionate about his field. Very exciting! I hope that bodes well for admission. She probably just finished her alum interview (I’m sitting w/ my mom at the hospital, so don’t know how it went). Good luck to yours and mine (all the hopeful kids)!