Northeastern University 2019 ED

Just wanted to make a chat to know when decisions come out and what stats people had (for the sake of EA,RD, and future applicants.)

Note: The title of this thread has been modified as incoming date tends to be clearer than outgoing for Northeastern given co-op.

In previous chats, it looks like ED decisions came out the Thursday before the week of 12/15 at 8pm east coast time, so I’m hoping for 12/6 this year

Hey!! Just submitted my application to Northeastern gahh! Visited the campus this Summer and absolutely fell in love with it! Anyone else applying to the College of Computer and Information Science?

I just applied ED CCIS too! I’ve been in love with the school for two years!

The countdown has officially started!

do you know when EA decisions come out? will they also be when ED decisions come too?

@student5430 Last year ED I decisions came out mid December, EA decisions came out mid-January.

did they send out any emails recently?? Also did they send anyone any emails stating whether their application is complete or not

The ED results were released on December 7, 2017 at around 8:00 p.m. EST. Good luck!

im thinking a week from today if @DoryH is correct good luck everyone!

did they send out any emails or not

@student5430 Last year EA decisions were released on January 18th.

did they send any emails or not!!!

Decisions are rolled out geographically from Boston outwards in one hour waves (for EA/RD, not sure if ED is a single wave or not). Emails are typically sent about 30 min after they are available, so you can check on the hour and hear sooner but the delay isn’t that big if you wait for the email.

How strict is Northeastern with allowing students to bow out of the ED agreement due to financial reasons? Also, this may be a stupid question but is it too late to switch from EA to ED1?

They said in the tour that if you pick ED you do so understanding that you may not like your Financial Aid package.

yes it is too late

I’m with Lolusha… you can try EDII

OMG!! The waiting is killing me!! The 6th can’t come soon enough!!

Don’t put your hopes on the 6th, it could easily be the 13th or even the 18th/20th