NYC Meetup

Here we go! And I need 20 characters!

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I propose that we meet on Monday, 5/22 or Tuesday, 5/23 at the midtown restaurant @oldfort mentioned.

We can do a Bay Ridge thing another time, assuming there are people willing to schlep. The N train goes within 4 stops of my subway stop and the D train within 6 stops, so it’s not so bad to come all the way out here. Both connect with the R train just a few stops from Manhattan.

It’s Dimsum Garden.

Dimsum platter

Check it out. Happy to go some where else also.
I am not sure how they would be if we stayed too long. It’s midtown so most restaurants tend to like to turn their tables often.

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It’s delicious! I can come…will go with the group decision…but Tuesdays work better for me.

We could plan to meet at 2, so after the lunchtime rush. It looks delicious! And 5/23 sounds great to me!

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Midtown is good for me. I have a class on Tuesdays at 2 pm, so I prefer Mondays. I think I missed conversation in the other thread?

@mathmom, what time does your class end? We could meet at 4.

I’m going to defer to everyone else. If Monday is the go to date, I’ll work something out and come on Monday. I don’t think 4:00 is good…abuts the dinner hour.

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I’m flexible. Anytime on either date will be fine for me.

I think earlier is better. They make zoom recordings of the class, so while I prefer Monday, I can do Tuesday if it’s better for everyone else.

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And I can do Monday if it’s better than Tuesday.

Either day is good for me, and 2 pm is kind of perfect

Ok it looks like we have a consensus (pretty much) here. Enough time between now and then to decide between Monday and Tuesday. Tentatively let’s say Tuesday at 2 pm. I will put it in my handy-dandy Google calendar.


My calendar is marked!!

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I have 6 so far. Let me know if anyone else is interested and I will make a reservation.


Does your six include @VeryHappy ? And me?

I’ve put it on my calendar.

Anyone who is coming should confirm on this thread.

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I’ll come! The 22nd or 23rd work for me.

Count me in!!

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