Reality of Poor Grades

@momof3nyc I am so sorry that your family is in this position. It is heartbreaking to watch your child struggle and not be able to “fix it”. Raising 4 kids, we have been there many times. There is no magic bullet to resolve the situation. We have used a combination of academic and mental health resources to help our kids get the tools they needed to get back on track when in similar circumstances.

It’s really important to try to figure out why things are going so poorly: is it time management, oversleeping and missing class, anxiety holding him back from completing projects or is depression overwhelming. Our daughter left BS around this time in 10th grade under similar circumstances. She cane home pretty broken and felt like crap about herself (she too had been a straight A kinda girl before BS). We focused on getting her mental health needs met and ultimately she chose not to return to BS. Fast forward to today and she just graduated from GT manga cum laude and starts her real job next week. There is hope after kids bomb out- if you can get them the tools they need to recover. Best of luck and feel free to pm me.