Research and Honors programs at Binghamton

I was inspired to learn more about research and honors opportunities at Binghamton University, where my son is a senior. It’s clear that in the last couple of years, Bing is adding new and exciting opportunities for great students.

I found some excellent programs, including the Scholars Program, wherein approximately 120 students live together in one of the newest residences.
Prospective Students - Scholars Program | Binghamton University

The brand new Beckmann Scholars program offers $21,000 to students to pursue their own research. That seems very generous by any standards.

The Source Project offers Humanities and Social Science research opportunities:

There’s also the 3 semester First Year Research Immersion program.

The new Innovation Lab was completed in 2021 and offers this very interesting program:

There are other programs specific to the School of Management.

There are many ways to be involved with research at the Watson School of Engineering: Sponsored Programs | Division of Research | Binghamton University

More information about all these programs can be found here: Honors Programs - Undergraduate Admissions | Binghamton University

Feel free to add any information about other research grants or opportunities that you’ve discovered at Bing.


This is amazing! I will pass this along to my newly admitted STEM D23!

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Anyone have a student who was invited to participate? Feedback? What types of stats did they have? When did you hear?

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My daughter received invites to the Scholars Program and FRI- I would love to hear from anyone that has experience with both programs.

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Research days at Bing! Share with your students. This event is April 24-28. Research Days | Division of Research | Binghamton University

attending for scholars and fri as well! can anyone provide insight?

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