RISD Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for RISD Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

RD Application Deadline is: January 17

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Hello! Just being hopeful here, because for RD of course we are still crossing fingers without any actual answer, BUT – does there seem to be an accepted student day coming, for 2023? I’ve found a place on the risd website that says no, but that same page lists an alumni event for summer 2022, so I’m hoping that is all out of date information. Anybody know? Thanks!

I was looking for the same thing!

I asked on Instagram and they said yes they’re planning it now!

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does anyone know when decisions will come out?

They said “this week” in response to someone asking on Instagram. So hopefully tomorrow or Friday?

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RISD just out. Accepted. SAT 1520, GPA 3.9

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D denied. 1530 SAT 3.95 UW GPA. Summer pre-college at another Art&Design school. Know the portfolio is heavily weighted and that is subjective but we had some bad experiences with RISD. Weighted in line 2+hrs at portfolio day for review. line was cutoff before being seen with no rain check or other make up offered by school. Zoom with regional admissions officer where she clearly didn’t know how to manage the technology…literally dropped everyone on the call multiple times and another time had her cat walking across her keyboard and presented really discombobulated/unprofessional

Our DD got accepted at RISD! She is super excited.