SDSU vs Cal Poly SLO - How Are You Deciding

I am a parent whom had one son at SDSU, one son that was admitted to Cal Poly SLO and a niece whom attended SLO.

  1. Which school does your student prefer? Have you visited both schools?

My older son whom was admitted loved Cal Poly SLO but chose another school. My younger son was originally drawn to SLO for their CS program but overall small town vibe was not what he wanted for his 4 years of undergrad. My niece applied not knowing much about SLO, not too happy the first year due to be a small town/isolated but grew to love it and currently lives there after graduating.

  1. Cal Poly SLO and SDSU are complete opposites when it comes to campus vibe/culture. What does your D like to do in her spare time? SDSU is in a large city with plenty activities while SLO is small town and more outdoorsy.

I suggest you look at your own discussion thread about SDSU: Why the love for SDSU?

  1. What major for both schools? Compare the curriculum side by side to determine if one is a better fit and overlap of the Medical school pre-req courses if Medical school is the goal. My niece is at CSULB as a Kinesiology major and plans to apply to PA school. The major has several classes required for PA school as an overlap but she still needs to take some additional classes.

My younger son knew right away upon stepping upon’s SDSU campus this was where he wanted to go. My niece was sure upon enrolling but had a rough year with roommates and not having access to all the activities she was use to in Southern California but it worked out in the end.

@MrCheapo you have posted several of these type of discussion threads. In the end, you should respect what your daughter wants and let her make that decision. Everyone has favorites and biases and that should not influence you or your daughter. She is the one whom will be spending the next 4 years at the school, not you.