The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

<p>I thought it would be a good idea just to have a thread for us applicants to go through the stress together. :)</p>

<p>Yes, I think so too. Only about 10 more weeks until M10. This is too much for me. </p>

<p>Wow. Is it actually that close? <em>shiver</em> :open_mouth: </p>

Thanks for using my suggestion

It will be much appreciated in a few weeks X_X

Yes, it definitely will.

Ok maybe it is just me, but I absolutely cannot stand reading other people’s SSAT scores. As a matter of fact, being on this thread the night before decisions may hurt me more than help me (granted I’ll still be on it /:slight_smile: ) but i tend to compare myself and my application pieces/test scores to other peoples and it kinda psychs me out. So i’ll be on here before my decisions come, but maybe not after. Unless i’m thrilled with my acceptances of course!

I just read some other people’s application essays that were posted and it’s completely freaking me out because they’re so freaking good! :(( ugh this is stressful.

@BoyZap2122 Where did you read them? I need some inspo for my essays .-.

Same here! Just looking at the competition this year on CC is making me nervous… and there are probably thousands of other applicants who aren’t on CC that have even better stats. :open_mouth:

@whimsicalwhims- there are some on this thread, but you have to keep scrolling through the pages.
Ugh ikr I keep seeing people applying to the same schools as I am that have like amazing scores and stats and I’m like ugh WHY MEE :frowning:

@BoyZap2122 YES! Everytime I read the chances threads, that’s me. so now my NYE resolution is to not look at them. :smiley:

I’m actually willing myself to not look at other people’s essays because I thought mine were pretty decent after reviewing them about a hundred times (although I probably will still check them out anyway). And I also hate seeing other people’s scores. Drives me nuts. Then when I see their QR score, I get so nervous because I didn’t score the best on that portion.

I think that after the deadline has passed we are just going to be obsessing over M10. It’s interesting to think that between now and M10, a group of people are going to be sitting in a room discussing us.

Very interesting… While we, here, are discussing them, they are there, discussing us…

Okay, I haven’t thought much about how they accept us. I’m about to sound very naive but…they discuss us?!

They all sit in a room and rate us in front of all of the other AOs and probably make comments about us. There’s a thread on here about exactly how they do it… something about a 1-6 scale I think. Your interviewer rates you based on your stats, how well you would do in the school, and how much they want you in the school.

How nice. Something else for me to think about :’-) I will definitely check that thread out, thank you!!

Does anyone know where I can find that thread?

Wow thank you! People who understand!