The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

here is last year’s thread:

I know this might be too early for some of you all because it’s not even November, but I started freaking out so I decided to create a thread! I’m new to CC so I don’t know if I am qualified I guess to create an official thread or whatever so if I’m not a mod can delete this.

I’m down for a freakout thread cause I’ve been freaking out, lol. I literally had a dream about my first day at Loomis. In my dreams the bathrooms had like carts of candy- from what I remember from my visit to Loomis, they didn’t have those, but it’s a nice idea.

I’ve finished and submitted all my essays for Hotchkiss and Loomis, interviewed at Brooks (Skype), Exeter (Skype), Loomis (in-person), Hotchkiss (in-person), Choate (in-person), and Concord (Skype). I have my St. Mark’s interview next Friday on Skype, Andover is… well, Andover’s a pain, because their closest off-campus person is like 4 hours away, and Northfield Mount Hermon in January on Skype. I’m finished with my Choate and Andover essays, I’ve just not submitted them yet. I’ve requested all my recs for all schools but NMH and SMS (I’m going to do that soon because I added them very recently).

I’ve been panicking so much lately because I’m so scared I’m going to get in nowhere.

Wow, you’re so ahead!! I literally just finished my first draft for the Choate essays except for the new extracurriculars one. Btw, what grade are you applying to for Choate?

Good luck on your apps!

I’m applying for repeat 10th grade! What about you? Also I do get a little excited about things so lol

Good luck to you too!

I’m applying for repeat 9th!

@ilovechoateeeee Are you only applying to Choate? I wouldn’t blame you- Choate is awesome. Wallingford was a cool lil town. Only thing I didn’t like about it was the exterior of their bowling alley is a lil wonky.

I’m applying to other schools, but Choate is the only boarding school. The other 2 are NYC day schools. Choate is my first choice, as you can tell by my username :slight_smile:

I figured :slight_smile: My top 3 is Loomis, Choate, and Hotchkiss, but NMH and SMS are creeping up.

I had my St. Mark’s interview today over Skype and my inteviewer said numerous times how much I’d love and fit at SMS and how she hopes to be welcoming me next year- am I just reading too deep or… I really like St. Mark’s.

(take this with a grain of salt, I’m not an expert.)

This is good news(IMO)! The interview is one of the most important parts of the admissions process. You don’t have a guaranteed acceptance, but I believe that the AO will strongly advocate for you. If the other parts of your application are good, then you have a pretty good chance!

@ilovechoateeeee That’s good! I’m hoping I get in cause I really like it :smiley:

I just got back from my Choate interview! I’m not going to talk about it a lot because I don’t want to jinx, but hopefully it went really well! My AO didn’t take a lot of notes, but she said told me in the beginning that she couldn’t read her handwriting so that’s why.? I feel like it might be a bad thing because even when I had a not-so-good interview at another school the AO still took a lot of notes.

@ilovechoateeeee As I have said many times, don;t try to read the lea leaves; it’s just folly.

People have different styles; I personally take very few notes while others will write pages of notes. It means nothing. Good luck.

thanks! @skieurope

That doesn’t seem like a bad thing- but yeah, tea leaves and all that.

Waiting for M10 is hell, though. I’ve been twitching and I haven’t even finished all my apps. I’ve seen YouTube vids of people opening college decisions and I think I’m gonna do one of those for BS. Just seems like fun- until I get rejected everywhere lol

I’m thinking of applying to like 16-20 schools tbh, I’ve got 10 rn but like since I need full aid I’m super tempted to just apply everywhere (on the Gateway app, and not literally). Rn I’m looking into Groton, SPS, Vermont Academy, Lawrence Academy, St. George’s School, Thacher, Millbrook, and Deerfield… just anywhere. I want to go to BS so badly lol

@CavsFan2003 OMG I feel the same way! Honestly, I just want some freedom because my parents are super strict. I’m only applying to one boarding school though (Choate) and 2 day schools. It doesn’t matter that much to me because my high school is already one of the top public schools in New York, so I won’t be super devastated about my future if I don’t get into any of the schools.

I binged watch so many of the college decision videos too! This is not related at all, but I was watching this video of someone stamping the SPS acceptance letter one day ( ) and I got super emotional. It was really weird, but honestly, my view on Choate changed after my visit. It might be because the weather was really dreary today, but I’m just not as excited about going to Choate now. IDK.

I just realized that some schools are actually having their usual “March 10th day” on the 9th this year, as the 10th would fall on a Sunday

@willmo Do you know which schools?

So far I know that Middlesex is doing it, but I’m fairly sure that a lot of schools might do that as well, due to mailing issues on a Sunday.