Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Please post here if you are applying during 2021-2022 season.

Courtesy @Roentgen

Questions you should think about for medical school selection

Results thread for 2020-2021 cycle


Welcome to BSMD 2021-2022 thread.
To start please visit the following threads to get answers to most common queries. Please use search feature.

  2. Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)
  3. BS/MD Results - Fall 2021 cycle

Best of luck in your future quest for a BSMD seat.

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  • All are welcome to post while adhering to CC policies.
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@grtd2010 you need to edit 3rd link as that points to individual post, not thread.


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Other relevant threads:

Student Experience Report Thread: This focuses on parents sharing their child’s progress in either the BSMD program or traditional undergrad program:

BS/MD Vs traditional route discussions:

Hello! So excited (and scared) to be applying this round. Good luck to everyone! :slight_smile:


Hello. Because of covid, there are not much volunteer opportunities at the hospitals and nursing homes. What are the students doing for increasing their volunteer hours.

Please share your thoughts for shadowing too during these covid times Thanks

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All the very best to you as well.

Step 1: If possible get the child vaccinated asap.
Step 2: Post vaccinations, continue hunting for shadowing/ volunteering opportunities. I have seen a lot more flexibility for vaccinated folks.

same here, in my area all hospitals and senior homes have stopped volunteering for indefinite future, must be like that in most areas of the country.

hopefully bs/md programs will take that into consideration this cycle!

How are you guys finding shadowing opportunities given that most hospitals/clinics are not taking anyone due to COVID protocols

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@basketballfan123 @privatems @overanxiousmom

If you child is vaccinated, a number of doctors are open to giving shadowing opportunities.
Start with your PCP.

@basketballfan123 @privatems @overanxiousmom

already volunteering at the hospital also makes obtaining shadowing easier because of less paperwork etc

For class of 2022, most summer programs (in person) got cancelled during summer 2021 and 2020. Since students need to start applying this fall, and BS/MD applications do require medically related experience, you need to think of virtual programs for research/volunteering/shadowing this summer. I noticed virtual summer programs for teens pop up when I search the internet.

Students should also try to start off their application process/essays etc… during summer and keep their calendars open in case in-person opportunities open up during the Fall 2021.


My daughter got 34 in her ACT last month. She is planning to apply for BSMD in 2022. Please suggest if this score is good or she should try to get 35/36.

If she is a ORM (Asian/Indian), she should try for an ACT score of 35/36.

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Here’s a view to consider:

  • ACT 34 by itself - Qualified/Eligible Candidacy
  • ACT 34 with other stronger academic profile (GPA, Class Rank, APs, PSAT, SAT Subject) - Competitive/Outstanding Candidacy
  • ACT 35/36 with other stronger academic profile (GPA, Class Rank, APs, PSAT, SAT Subject) - Compelling Candidacy

ACT/SAT is one of the seven Attributes/Competencies of Objective Data Assessment.

Check out recent BSMD result thread for @quaranteen - ACT34 + other stronger objective and subjective data profile made her/his candidacy “Compelling” and received multiple BSMD admissions.


As per College board,
SAT Subject Tests™ have been discontinued in the U.S.
Please take this in to account and substitute for “your competence in science and math” by other means.

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  • All are welcome to post while adhering to CC policies including young and olds.
  • One can block posts from certain users you do not want to read, by putting in ignore bucket.
  • One should use DM feature to communicate with others directly. The other party should provide access to you for DM to work.
  • One can disable notifications sent by email.
    This is a public forum and open to all. One can not dictate to others what should or should not be posted according to their wishes. It is governed by CC policies. One has a choice to ignore whatever one does not like.