UC Davis vs Reed for CS

Congrats to your DS! I’ve enjoyed reading this thread as my DD is also looking for a more collaborative, less stressful college experience. She’s also admitted to UCSC for CS (waitlisted at UCD).

We are in the Sacramento area and know lots of kids who are happy at UCD (although I don’t think we know any CS kids), and it’s been described a lot here on CC, as very collaborative and down to earth. Since you’re an alum you probably know it even better than us.

We know a few kids at UCSC and that also seems like a more laid-back atmosphere which is nice to us. I think my D knows a kid in CS now so is trying to learn more about what that department is like, but she said he and her other non-CS friend are very happy at UCSC. We’re going to visit the campus later this week, but there’s also a lot of info on the CC Class of 2026 thread starting here UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion - #754 by Edward_Ding

I’m excited to see where your DS picks – good luck with his decision!

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