University of Michigan Ross Class of 2026

Hi all, I didn’t see a thread for Ross Class of 2026 so I decided to make one. Feel free to post anything about Ross here!

Dc was accepted EA. Waiting eagerly to see what happens. Hopeful that dc gets a bump for gender.

My D22 hoping the same! 2 weeks feels like an eternity!

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so i can see why moderator was reluctant to start new thread. Seems like most of the action is still at EA board.

Anywho, one week left!

DD22 is really hoping she gets into ROSS.

That will put her over the moon! At first she was thinking if no Ross, no Michigan.

She is beginning to rethink that.

Fingers crossed that we can be done with this.

Signed up for visit day 3/19. Hoping that’s TWO shots at being accepted to Ross.

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Yes, we are pushing DD22 to accept LSA even if no Ross.

I won’t pounce on this thread but do a deep dive into what Michigan can offer a business type student without Ross. There are just so many options and nothing prevents you from reaching out to admissions etc and asking these types of questions…

Good Luck.

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thanks :blush:. we will wait til Friday and then start this.

Thanks for starting this. It’ll be useful for us all to share information and updates

5 days !

Has anyone’s portal changed, similar to when the portal changed for EA Decisions to the completely navy screen?

No change for my son’s portal!

Mine has not changed either, hoping it comes this Friday rather than in a month.


Ross states the month they release has no inclination of your admissions status; if that is the case, what constitutes a decision in Feb for one student and March for another?

(Ross Email)

I think its random


Has anyone heard anything? My guess is nothing until tmr. good luck everyone!

D22 got the Big MICH LSA envelope today!
hoping good news tomorrow!


Same for my S22!

For LSA in general? We’ve only had the slim envelope.

You will likely have it today. This is greater than letter size. More like 8x11. DD not home yet to open it…and my sleuthing skills are rusty! :slight_smile:

We are awaiting Ross, but DD did get into USC Marshall - with invitation to interview for merit! So that’s good news! Hoping for choices and money matters!

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