We attended a reception in our city as opposed to the day on campus.
The evening began with appetizers and dessert. A nice touch.
The presentation was the usual bunch of PowerPoints — I’d love a school that decided to ditch PowerPoints! — and a good student panel. They answered loads of questions and shared videos students took from a GoPro, which gave a feel for the campus.
The presenter was personable and funny.
My 23 said UVM moved up the list.
We will visit campus in April. I’d love to hear anything you care to share after your visit in February!
I had already booked our hotel before learning UVM shuttles will go to the Doubletree. I probably won’t change the reservation, because a lakeside room costs less than the Doubletree does. I’m also curious about the lake and interested in renting bikes and taking to the trail. When we visit schools, I like to do a few off campus things with 23 so they get a feel for the city. Doing this led to one #1 school for 23 sliding down the list a bit, because the city was empty with run down houses.