USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Generally speaking… it is easier to gain admission to USC as an external transfer versus as a high school senior applying initially for admission to the new freshman class. Many will be offered the Trojan Transfer Plan as an option while not being admitted this Friday. For those seeking more info, I will link to a thread on it below.

And it is also easier to internally transfer into some of the more competitive majors. But, as stated above, not all competitive majors allow for such.

Persistence though can clearly pay off for those who feel compelled to eventually attend USC or to do so within one of the more competitive majors. The film director Bryan Singer famously had to apply three times to get into the USC School of Cinematic Arts. He was first turned down by both USC and SCA. He later transferred into USC but was again turned down by SCA. And then on the third effort, he got into SCA as an internal transfer. Pursuing the USC dream does not always work out though. Steven Spielberg was turned down by both USC and SCA three times. He clearly turned out fine though. SCA even has a building named after him within their complex.

So, there are also countless pathways to success that do not include USC. All of you receiving bad news this Friday can still find your own path to success elsewhere if USC does not offer you admission. Some will still find a way to make it into USC later. For the rest… simply go out and make your name at another great college or university. Let the disappointment fuel you. USC’s loss anyhow… so be great and make them regret passing you over.

Link to more info regarding the Trojan Transfer Plan:

Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) - Colleges and Universities A-Z / University of Southern California - College Confidential Forums