Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I’ve posted several times that my 83-year-old mother is not planning to get the vaccine. She doesn’t get flu shots either. She is not anti-vax, but she never gets sick, so she doesn’t think she needs them and why put something foreign into her body unnecessarily? She listens politely to anyone who patiently explains the fallacy of her logic but goes on her merry way. In the case of COVID, her information universe has told her COVID is overblown and you know the rest. Because she has taken no precautions and gone about her life uninterrupted (shopping, lunching, attending church twice a week as the pianist, singing in the choir, flying/traveling, etc.), she feels that proves that her views are correct. As I posted in the other thread, as long as she accepts the consequences of her decision (we can’t get together until this is over or I’m fully inoculated and, if she gets sick, she’s on her own), then there is nothing more to be said.