Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I posted last January that my now 84-year-old mom was not planning to be vaccinated, and she remains unvaccinated. For her, Covid never happened. She has taken exactly zero precautions, going about her life exactly as she did in 2019 without so much as a sniffle. Now she wants me to accompany her to a Nutcracker production on Saturday before she flies to Florida for her great GD’s second BD. Because she thinks she is proof there is nothing out there, she doesn’t want to hear “excuses” for my declining. :woman_facepalming:

Oh, mom. It’s getting so hard to ignore the stinking elephant in the room and pretend our relationship is unchanged. Just so many things we can no longer talk about at a time in your life when I should be spending more and more time with you.

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