(0-6) PharmD Program


<p>I'm an international high school student, planning to apply for a 0-6 PharmD Program.
I have a few questions related to the MCPHS (0-6) PharmD program</p>

<p>1) Which scores would they require? And how much (like, SAT, ACT etc)
2) Does MCPHS make you give the PCAT or require you to reapply after the initial 2 years?
3) Is it a good course overall? Which other 0-6 programs are good?</p>

<p>Please let me know ASAP! Thanks</p>

<p>Why don’t you look this info up on the school websites instead of asking the same question ten times here?</p>

<p>This is the University of Massachusetts Boston thread - completely unaffiliated with MCPHS - why not call the school itself and ask?</p>

<p>ok… thanks!</p>