'08... time to "dominate"

Fo' me, I like P-ton and also Stanford, but I totally love Dartmouth, although it's not as prestigious


<p>Yeah, Dartmouth LMAO it's only a 'bottom Ivy' /sarcasm</p>

<p>Damn, everyone just loves the Ivies...</p>

<p>Yeah, finally WE are the next applicants for college! Seniors! Yay! </p>

<p>Um, I REALLY want to go to Vassar College...I'm applying ED, so we shall see what happens.</p>

<p>I also want to go to Reed, Bard, Skidmore, Middlebury (ha at TC. i love midd alot too), Lewis and Clark, Whitman, Trinity College, um...yeah...</p>

<p>If I can just get a 30 on my ACTs, then this fall would be a lot less stressful.</p>

<p>wow. i can't believe junior year is already over (i'm actually out of school already hehe)! i'm glad that it went pretty well and i'm hoping to end it with a nice touch with this wknd's SAT ii's. </p>

<p>my top choice is definitely amherst, applying ed next year. i'm looking at other nescac schools, and dartmouth as well.</p>

<p>i wanna major in english and philosophy (i'm definitely not a math/sci type asian even though my dad's a computer engineer) and possibly japanese. </p>

<p>my school's 08 class is insanely competitive so college admissions will be tough!</p>

<p>Oh yeah, forgot to mention what i want to major in...</p>

<p>I'm really interested in international relations and linguistics, but i also like philosophy and psychology.</p>

<p>SENIORS! Class of 2008! </p>

<p>Top Choice: Northwestern :)
[Double] Major: Economics & Computer Science
Admissions Plan: Early Decision </p>

<p>Other universities of interest:
University of Chicago
Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>And ofcourse, I have safeties. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! I hope we all make it into our top choices. That would be simply amazing!</p>

<p>Somewhat off-topic, but at my school we put "08 - it's time to DOMINATE" as the slogan for our powderpuff t-shirts, and ended up getting in lots of trouble. Apparently, dominate is far too "sexual" of a word to be used on school grounds. </p>


<p>OniLawliet: woohoo, linguistics ftw! :)</p>

<p>Finally, junior year is over!</p>

<p>'08 is the first graduating class at my school. There are two types of students: the slackers and the overachievers. Barely any in betweens. We're a tiny, close knit class, so there's really no competition.</p>

<p>Anywayyyyyy ....
My first choice is Wellesley (: & I'm definitely applying ED.
If I don't get in, I plan on applying to UChicago, Smith, Bryn Mawr, BC, Tufts, Brown, and possibly Mount Holyoke. If I don't get in anywhere there, I'm leaving the country...seriously. University of Bologna, Florence, or Torino in Italy.</p>

<p>I plan on double majoring in Italian & International Relations and then, hopefully, law school!</p>

<p>Ah, I'm so excited for this new year!! weeeeee~!@@!@!!~!</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! We're really gonna need it..I hear our year's going to be the most competitive year. sheeeesh!</p>

<p>Today was my last day of school, so I'm (sort of) a senior! Congratulations to all the other '08ers!</p>

<p>My first choice is definitely Wellesley (ED...yay!), unless I have some major change-of-heart, which is unlikely. If I don't get in there, I'd love Haverford, Smith or Bryn Mawr. I'd also probably apply (less enthusiastically) to Barnard, Vassar, Amherst, Swarthmore, Mout Holyoke and (maybe) Tufts. </p>

<p>I'm planning on majoring in Political Science, minoring in Education. I have no clue what I'll end up doing. Maybe lawyer, teacher or social worker? We'll see!</p>

<p>I have to take my SAT IIs on Saturday, and am very nervous. Then...summer really begins!</p>

<p>I've been a <em>senior</em> for 2 wks (got out of school for 2 wks ago) My first choice is University of Chicago (EA) and a close second is Columbia. I have the SAT tomorrow, so I am kind of nervous too. I am working, volunteering at the library, doing my summer assignments, writing college apps essays, and reading novels over the summer. Hope everyone has a good summer!!</p>

<p>08 finally, time to gtfo.</p>

<p>Top choice:
The U (Miami)</p>

USC, Vandy, UT Austin, UNC - CH, UCSB.</p>

Psychologist, or possibly psychiatrist. International work also highly interest me.</p>

Psychology, Psychology and Sociology, Anthropology, OR IR, IB, or IM.</p>

<p>owow, let's go '08! Is anyone else probably much too excited for the coming year despite its stressful side?</p>

<p>Top Choice: Barnard College (probably going to apply ED... not sure because I love Vassar College a LOT, too).</p>

<p>Others: Vassar, Pitzer, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Sarah Lawrence, WUSTL.</p>

<p>Careers: international work, probably something where i'll just continue doing research and observing people.</p>

<p>Majors: Psych, Sociology, Anthropology, International Relations, etc.</p>


<p>ow! let go '08
Aren't you guys exicted!
my top choice is tied b/t emory and Davidson
also like: Villanova, UGA (might have to stay instate), UNC- Greenboro
Major: International Relations (like every one else), History, Psych
Good Luck Guys!!</p>

<p>Woohoo! Such positive energy in this thread, I must say.</p>

<p>can't wait! in the mean time, i'm going to be enjoying an abundance of AP summer work!
don't yet have a #1 but Swarthmore sounds like the ticket. they get 35%+ of their energy from wind sources...sweeeettt.
Also: Vassar, Wesleyan, Hamilton, Macalester, WUSTL, BC, Tufts, Whitman, Pomona...!
Possible Careers: don't know, that's why I really think I'd benefit from a Liberal Arts education...
Possible Majors: Political Science w/Enviro. Studies Minor</p>

<p>hi! My first choice is Yale so I think I'm applying EA, but I'm also interested in Brown, Stanford, U of Chicago, and others. Possible majors....environmental studies, maybe also international relations.</p>

<p>hey hey, wait to go '08!! it'll be fun re-seeing everyone's names in the forums in the coming months...</p>

<p>Top Choices: I don't have a number one school yet; im going college visiting out east this august, so maybe i'll fall in love with a school then. Otherwise my list looks something like this: Macalester, Georgetown, Swarthmore, Brown,Amherst, Tufts, Wellesley, Johns Hopkins, Pomona, Claremont McKenna and Williams. There are also a couple schools in London and 2 in Holland. </p>

<p>Possible Majors: International Studies/Affairs, Political Science, English
Minors: FRENCH, education, world health</p>

<p>Possible Future (haha, i mean career): I know whatever I do will need to be internationally involved, and maybe I will be an Ambassador or Foreign Service Worker. But I can also see myself being a teacher in the future, or more likely more like a professor at a university. I have time to figure this all out though :) </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!! I really do hope we all get to where we want to be going!</p>

<p>"We takin' over" was what we all wrote on our cars for Senior Step Up day..i've been a "senior" since May 18 yay!
But umm my top choices: no number 1, but probably applying to: WashU, Emory, UPenn, UMichigan, Princeton, Columbia, Duke, Stanford
Safeties: UF, Spelman, FSU-Honors
Maybe- UChicago (i was pretty definite on this, until i heard it was no fun at all.."where fun comes to die"), Berkeley, Yale/Harvard..
basically im trying to narrow down my list this summer & start my college app. essays</p>

<p>i only have 1 more ACT/SAT to take and 2 more SAT Subject tests & im DONE</p>

<p>possible majors: english, psychology, business, biology
minors: Spanish</p>

<p>career- Doctor, Pharmacist, I-Banking..im really not sure anymore</p>

<p>Seniors '08: WE DA BEST :-) i can't wait till next year and sharing in this process with y'all</p>

<p>waBUMP. More!</p>
