<p>Class of 2008, it's almost our time to take the driver's seat in the college search and admissions process. Members of the class of '07 have searched, applied, opened envelopes both thick and thin, and (hopefully) decided by now which schools they'll attend next year. With just a few weeks left of junior year, what are you thinking? Where have you got your sights set? Any idea of your major, your first-choice college, perhaps your future occupation? We are fellows and, simultaneously, unfortunately, competitors. Good luck! (And please don't apply to Middlebury - it's my first choice.)</p>
<p>You're in luck, Middlebury isn't on my list, not that I could take your spot. Besides the myriad standardized tests coming up (SAT subject, AP, etc), I'm trying to get a better feel about colleges and what I want to do. I am really interested in going into law enforcement at a high (read: federal) level or law, so I'm looking at a double major in economics (or finance) and sociology. That's subject to constant change. I really want to attend a liberal arts college (Davidson, Claremont McKenna, et al) and then attend law school. </p>
<p>Our generation does need to pick up where the 07 generation has left off. What about you Russiasaurus, why Midd?</p>
<p>It strikes me as a school with a whole lotta love just sort of flowing through the whole beautiful campus... I just felt more of a "vibe" when I visited than at any other school. Gorgeous campus, students, and new center for the arts; great Russian program; good food in the dining hall; and I love to cook - I even considered, for half a second, culinary school - and at Middlebury they've got a student-run restaurant Friday nights that I'd love to be a part of. It's funny... I want to be a creative writing major, and they don't offer a creative writing major at Midd, but I don't even care - it seems like an all-around great place.</p>
<p>All that said, I'm also excited about schools in the midwest. As I'm from the northeast, I feel like it would be... I dunno, "provincial" of me to go to school here? I'm thinking about Grinnell, Oberlin, and Beloit (a safety I'd actually be really excited to attend) especially.</p>
<p>I love the idea of this thread. And nice title! </p>
<p>Anyway, I'm probably going to apply to Smith ED since I love it so much. Just everything about it feels right to me. Then I'm leaning toward a double major in Classics and Math. I would major in economics because it would be more practical but I love the idea of being a math major so much better. I love all the concepts of abstract math. Other than that I really want to do archeology but I know my parents restrictions and the fact that archeology doesn't really bring in a steady flow of money. So I'm off to Wall Street. I've always wanted to live in NY so I plan on doing that and maybe traveling the world first. There are so many things I want to do!</p>
<p>After visiting California, I fell in love with Pomona College. I know it was perfect before we left, but words cannot describe the feeling I got when I stepped on campus. It just felt like home. Anyways, I want to major in Public Policy Analysis with an emphasis in Economics or Politics. I also might double major in American Studies, Environmental Studies, or just do PPE. I would like to run Cross-Country at Pomona and get involved in student-gov't. After Pomona, I would love to land a Fulbright Scholarship and study education and inequality in either europe or asia. After that/If that doesn't work out, I would like to go to Washington DC to work for a Public Policy think-tank or a Senator. I also want to get my MPP or PhD from Princeton or Duke in Public Policy sometime in my career. I digress, good luck everyone!</p>
<p>Hey guys! I hope we all make it in smooth to our top colleges. I really do hope this...so that on OUR threads next, we'll hear everyone saying "I made it!!" For me, I have a nice idea of where i'd like to see myself but my self esteems been falling largely. I think it's because my standerdized tests aren't where I want them to be, just the whole stress, and wish that I had a higher average. I'm getting uber sensitive about my records and even more upset that I feel I won't make it into the places I want to go... I'm thinking of going into law after college but i'd like to major in english and at a college (preferably liberal arts) that has strong english programs. My favorite and top college right now is Wellesley, and I hope to apply and be ACCEPTED next fall as an ED applicant...</p>
<p>2008 it's time to regulate.</p>
<p>Seniors!!!! O8!!!!! Woot</p>
<p>just hoping #of UC applicants go down....which is not gonna happen...</p>
<p>I'm curious about what will happen to Ivy admissions/applications with no ED for Princeton or Harvard. Will that help or hurt competitive applicants? (I hope more people apply to binding early decision programs so that there will be fewer apps to P and H RD. =P I can dream, can't I?)</p>
<p>Yeah '08 is definitely full of the most amazing people. </p>
<p>My favorite school is the University of Miami, and it has been for a year. I plan to double major in Media Management and Sport Administration. My ultimate goal is to become a talent or sports agent....if not that, I would love to do business development, marketing, or PR for a company like MTV, E!, NFL Network, ESPN, or any company in the entertainment/sports industry.</p>
<p>But if it doesn't work out with Miami, then LMU, USD, UCSB, and SDSU are all great options.</p>
<p>at my school 08 has all the competitors, go getters, full plate of EC's, everyone wants to be President type of deal
Is is like that for 08 as a whole?</p>
<p>'08 sucks at my school. We are infamous for our lack of spirit and unity. Unfortunately, I'm friends with everyone who'll be competing for more selective schools... I'm so excited to get to college and meet new 08ers!</p>
<p>Berkeley = my #1, though Stanford's a close second. I'm planning on majoring in linguistics and computer science, and maybe going into computational linguistics as a career. Dunno just yet.</p>
<p>The hardest year is almost over. All that's left for me is 1) summer stuff (work, community service, all that jazz), and 2) retaking the SAT in October. Other than that, all that's left is applications! Amazing. Seems like yesterday we were just little freshies! haha</p>
<p>The harderst year is done with!! [yahh]
I would have to say Stanford, and Brown are my number one choices, and then maybe Harvard. But I defiantly know that im soo excited to finally be a senior, and sad though because time flys by fast!! Hope everyone has a great summer/good senior year.</p>
<p>08!! Dont hate</p>
<p>Fo' me, I like P-ton and also Stanford, but I totally love Dartmouth, although it's not as prestigious </p>
<p>Also, our '08 official theme song could be "We're taking over" by DJ Khaled</p>
<p>Um...I'm new...
Major: No Idea....Either Engineering(Not sure what type...), Chemistry, Physics or Social Psychology...
First Choice: MIT...I know I have no chance, but you can always try.
Occupation: I think God is retiring soon...Just kidding....No idea...</p>
<p>08 at my school is pretty much the same...</p>
<p>haha i'm new too....
man we deserve to celebrate, the worst year (academic wise) is almost over!!! or already over for some lucky people!!!</p>
<p>my first choice: columbia.
hope we all get into our top schools!</p>
<p>Immediate stuff-
-700s on SAT-IIs would be nice!
-Finish strong... only 10 more days of school left!</p>
<p>College Applications-
-First Choice- University of Chicago! (Loved it on paper, went for a visit, wanted to father its children in person)
- I also like Swarthmore a lot... but have yet to visit.
-Prospective Major(s)- International Relations, Anthropology, Peace and Conflict Studies (@ Swat only)</p>
<p>Career Stuff-
-Right now, I could see myself in politics, especially in the state department, especially and ambassador, especially to a Northern European Country...
-Or in academia. , but, probably as an anthropology prof.</p>
<p>Random life goals (haha these are so out-there and impossible but achieving any one of them would be amazing!)
-Nobel Peace Prize!
-Study at Oxford (preferably as a Rhodes Scholar)
-Get my name mentioned in the American Pageant text book
-Write a famous poem or other literary work that students everywhere will have to read and will hate
-See the world!</p>