09' Chance, Please!

<p>Hey, hoping some people could chance me!</p>

<p>Location: Ohio
Gender/Ethnicity:Male, White
School: Public school(in the top 1300 around the country)
Rank: top 25%

<p>AP/Honors: 9AP's, 5 honors</p>

Leo Club(youth chapter of Lions Club): founding president(10th), board of directors member(11th), treasurer(12th) 3 years
Partnership for Success(community service organization): 4 years, president next year(12th)
Mock Trial: 4 years, next year Co-captain
Diving Team: 4 year varsity, Captain next year (top 10 in District)</p>

Coaches' Award for Diving
Honor Roll</p>

1 week every summer at a camp for disabled children
50+ hours around the year other than the camp</p>

<p>Colleges for Chance:
Case Western
University of Miami
Miami University-Oxford
George Washington</p>

<p>Major: Business Management or Marketing</p>

<p>I know some are reaches, but could you tell me how you think that I would do? It would really help!</p>

<p>the gpa is unweighted</p>

<p>I also left off the fact that im taking roughly 16 college semester hours next year.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>can anyone help me out?</p>

<p>NYU-Given your objective stats, this is a reach, and your ECs, while fairly interesting, don't say WOW to me. However, they might be better than I think they are, which would just be evidence that you might wanna explain them a little further on your app. Still, write strong essays and bring up your standardized testing; your GPA makes this a possibility. Also, you might check and see if NYU requires SAT subject tests. </p>

<p>BU-This is probably a match for you.</p>

<p>Northeastern-also probably a match</p>

<p>USC-I'd characterize this as a slight reach, but a possibility.</p>

<p>I'm not particularly familiar with the rest of your schools---sorry! Although off the top of my head they sound like their more in the match\safety category.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>thanks alot silverchris</p>