<p>$1,100,000 (after tax) + attend a school ranked below top 50 (can't transfer out) until grad school + Pick any school you like (Harvard, Princeton, Yale etc)...</p>
<p>Woops. Someone made a typo.
I like how you consider taxes. </p>
<p>I would opt for the “pick any school you like” option.
I wouldn’t just want to have money. There are so many idiots running around with a million dollars.</p>
<p>Harvard…can I guarantee my undergrad GPA to a certain extent??
If you can guarantee me admissions into HBS, then you got a deal!</p>
<p>I’ll take the million dollars and enjoy grad school</p>
<p>I changed my mind Im doing that^ cuz grad school is way more important!!</p>
<p>I’ll take the million, buy a house and a nice car, go to George Washington University, and then Harvard for grad school. :P</p>
<p>I’d definitely take the million, buy myself a car, pay for my parents’ mortgage and head to Boston University, UConn Honors, GW, or Maryland. Then I’d work my ass off and actually be able to afford a good graduate school. :)</p>
<p>Take the million and put it in an index fund.</p>
<li>Love Purdue so don’t mind taking the million. </li>
<li>Pay off my student loans, out-of-state tuition, and parent’s+brother’s debt.</li>
<li>Put the rest in the bank to accumulate interest annually. </li>
<p>Since I’m in love with Purdue there is no need for me to go to a top 50 school. Second of all, I would rather see my parents relieved and happy that their debt is no more than me going to a top 50 school. As always, family is first to me.</p>
<p>Do you get to choose the low-ranked school?</p>
<p>This would be a no-brainer anyway.</p>
<p>You would have to be so dumb not to take the money</p>
<p>unless you’re already filthy rich</p>