10 Real SATs - still accurate?

<p>ok, so my question is basically in the title.
how reliable is this book? or is it just the same as the official guide? i don't mean the essay part of course.</p>


<p>Don`t take any practice tests that are not created by the collegeboard.It is just pointless to do practice tests ,doesnt matter if they are easier are harder than the real ‘‘thing’’ .You only need this ‘‘real thing’’ , nothing more.The 8 practice tests are completely enough.If you have the money,purchase the official online course and you will get another 6 tests.If this is still not enough,but the official QOTD 2009 calendar and you will get another 365 questions made by Collegeboard.</p>

<p>no, ivan, i mean the 10 real SATs from CB! its just an old edition. for the old sat.</p>

<p>My dd used the red book (10 real SAT’s) to study for the PSAT and scored 237. She felt very prepared. They’re probably as close to the real thing as you’ll get.</p>

<p>Many, but not all, of the Qs from 10 Real SATs show up in the blue book…if you can find it, the 10 RS book remains pretty useful for practicing on real SAT questions .</p>

<p>thank you all!</p>

yes, i’ve actually found this book in the library =)</p>

<p>10 real SATs
I’ve been found this book,…
But What’s the best time to do this book??
Erm…I mean,Is this book really have storehouse of useful imformation?
Cause it need much time to finish it…</p>