<li>Many CCers go to top schools.</li>
<li>As evidenced by this thread, students seemingly cannot handle joking criticism. Eyewronicklee, no students who go to these schools can refute this point.</li>
<li>Once the person graduates, he will most likely not have the same view as others. (fear of taking risks, class discrepancy, lack of real world experience, lack of real world communication)</li>
<p>I get this crap at my job already, and I don’t even to one of those hoity-toity schools (yet). :mad:</p>
<li>You’d rather be one of the most intelligent students at your school than one of the least intelligent.</li>
<li>You don’t want to dream of going to said top university and have it fail your expectations aka you hate it and everybody there</li>
<p>Really? I would have expected the opposite. In any case, if this is how you feel, I’m not surprised that you posted such negative and ridiculous comments on another’s chance thread. Again, please do some research before you post very misleading information on the internet with a tone of absolute certainty.</p>
<p>LOL. Are you kidding me?</p>
<p>hahahaaha i was going to say “can’t wait for this thread to fail” but looks like it already has. lols all around</p>
<li>You wanted a women’s college (Smith 14 :D)</li>
<p>R6L - your reasoning is flawed. Some Women’s Colleges are top colleges (as you know from your choice) - at least Bryn Mawr and Smith.</p>
<li>a false sense of superiority</li>
<li>Your pride will take a beating it never did anything to deserve.</li>
<li> Your life is being threatened by an underground terrorist organization, and as a result you must flee the country and sever your connections with all entities existing in the United States.
Aka, this thread is ridiculous. If you don’t feel that you fit in at a top university, then fine, but to stereotype and generalize to this level is pretty absurd.</li>
<p>Duh. :p</p>
<p>LMAO at #19</p>
<li>Your parole officer won’t let you leave the state. (Don’t laugh - I knew someone who had this problem.)</li>
<p>mostly the only reason is you get a huge scholarship elsewhere and money is an issue for you. also, school rank and overall attractiveness (and overall better party scene) of the campus population tend to be inversely related. yes, i know neither of these measures are exact sciences but on the whole, its an accurate statement. </p>
<p>otherwise…theres literally no reason if you get in.</p>
<li><p>wanting to stay true to your roots.</p></li>
<li><p>feeling that going to an ivy league school may cheapen future successes.</p></li>
<li>Beat chicks and nerdy asian guys. This is especially bad at MIT. As a whole, the students at top schools are nerdy and unattractive.</li>