<p>Okay people let's list the activities that we think we will do after entering college.</p>
<p>Let’s see</p>
<p>-Get good grades (as you can tell by my name, I’m trying to get into med school)
-Get wasted out of my mind
-Play college baseball
-Make some lifelong friends from the dorms
-Hang out with my best friend (we’re going to the same college!)
-Do stupid stuff
-Get a good MCAT score
-Take honors courses
-Participate in several clubs and activities
<p>so, here is the list:
- Get good grades
- Get wasted out of my mind
- Hooked up.
. surely it will happen.
- Party
- Make some lifelong friends from the dorms
- Do stupid stuff
- Participate in several clubs and activities
- Complain about dorm food</p>
<p>come on. there must be more.</p>
<p>So are we creating one long list of 101 things or are we just individually listing the stuff we want to do?</p>
<p>Have the most awesomely decorated dorm on my floor (am I the only person who wants this? haha)
Have a lofted bed with my desk underneath
Have a relationship or two
Join a really fun a capella group
Have a spades tournament (idk why I want to do this)
Come out of my shell
Do some awesome art
Figure out what I want to do with my life
Learn cool stuff and become really knowledgeable
Go on a week-long hike
Road trips!</p>
<p>Not an individual list. Just list everything you want to do. Later, we will make a list of 101 cool things we want to do :)</p>
<p>Stuff I want to do that people haven’t already said:</p>
<li>Study abroad in Antarctica</li>
<li>Have an internship</li>
<li>Do research/REUs</li>
<li>Apply to grad school</li>
<li>Give a speech in front of a large group of people</li>
<li>Join the Secular Student Alliance</li>
<li>Not gain weight</li>
<li>Work as a tutor</li>
<p>In college, I want to:
[ul][<em>]Be on a competitive Ultimate Frisbee team [</em>]Do science research [<em>]Do chamber music [</em>]Have a really high GPA [<em>]Scare underclassmen when I can [</em>]Go to a library where you can hear mice pee on cotton [<em>]Not go home [</em>]Not lose weight [*]Not forget to eat[/ul]</p>
<p>I want to do a prank where I have an alarm set in my phone with super epic music. When the epic music plays while I’m in the bathroom, people in the room would be laughing or have an awkward look on their faces.</p>
<p>Oh, I want to study abroad in France too! And go to Africa! And go to some awesome concerts.</p>
<p>I forgot some stuff earlier lol:</p>
<p>-Study abroad
-Be a member of a college drumline (Penn State, Maryland, UGA, UNC, or USC)
-Continue to lose weight and start lifting weights
<li>falling in sleep while in class</li>
<li>learn a new language</li>
<li>freak out roommate for fun</li>
<p>-Make a 100 on a test (Impossible?)
-Write for the campus’ newspaper
-Make friends with whom I’ll keep in touch when school is over</p>
<p>Got my list:</p>
<li>Get laid.</li>
<li>Get a 3.8+ GPA.</li>
<li>Get laid.</li>
<li>Get a high paying, prestigious internship.</li>
<li>Get laid.</li>
<li>Get jacked.</li>
<li>Get laid.</li>
<li>Get invited to join a frat.</li>
<li>Get laid.</li>
<p>Make Love in the Library</p>
<li>Study Abroad </li>
<li>Get a decent scholarship</li>
<li>Play a sport (Volleyball and soccer!!)</li>
<li>learn a new language</li>
<li>Do research </li>
<li>Get some intern experience</li>
<li>Start writing again </li>
<li>Get fit (yoga/pilates/swimming/cycling)</li>
<li>take interesting electives </li>
<li>make new friends</li>
<p>-stay active
-play a club sport
-maintain a good GPA
-study abroad
-learn Spanish
-travel w/ my friends for spring break
-do a paid internship
-help strangers
-help my family</p>
<p>-study abroad in Spain
-have a pizza party
-do yoga
-road trip
-go skinny dipping</p>
<p>1)Study Abroad
2)Get amazing grades
4)Make lifelong friends
5)Join a drama club(found my niche this year)
6)Smoke weed for the first time
7)Get a decent job</p>
<p>have plenty of hook ups
not get STDs
have a serious relationship
play club volleyball
join a sorority
get drunk
do yoga & get fit
make lifelong friends
go to Mexico for spring break</p>