
My daughter’s 1098-T reports box #2 for both fall and spring expenses that were all paid for in 2015. But box #5 only reports half of her scholarship money (one semester). Since box #2 represents the full year, should box #5 also?! Is it ok for me to double the scholarship amount on my tax return even though the form is different? Or is it best for me to keep it as is? Thanks!

Fall of 2015 expenses? Spring of 2016 expenses?

Fall of 2015 scholarships?

Yes, box 2 is the total of fall '15 and spring '16 expenses (paid all in 2015 because spring tuition was due and paid in December). Box #5 is only fall '15 scholarship. She received the same scholarship for Spring '16 and it is not reported on 1098-T.

Yes. See 2015 Pub 970 page 13,

This is also our problem. I searched the net, and found an answer:
I think I need to call IRS tomorrow.

@kathsj Did you look up Pub 970, page 13? From what I understand from that, you can change the scholarship amount when entering the 1098-T info I to your tax program if the scholarship is applied before you file your 2015 taxes.