Here is my schedule for next year, it will be great if you can give me study tips and time management. Thanks!
-AP Composition
-AP Chem/ lab
-AP Bio / lab
-AP Psych
-AP Calc BC
School has been easy, I have never gotten a grade lower than an A-, so I (hope) I will survive.
^Orchestra is a differentiator that requires talent, discipline, and team work. It’s as valuable as a varsity sport (except for the 5% who’ll be recruited).
@panda_juice : don’t take AP bio and AP chemistry together. The time commitment for the content and for the labs makes it basically impossible to do both well. Most high schools consider that one = two periods.
Have you reached level 4 or AP in a foreign language ? If not, take one. Do you have 3years of history/ social science ?
@MYOS1634 AP Chemistry and AP Biology at the same time is actually manageable. I have A’s in both. Take both of them @panda_juice.
You’re just ONE student; the situation you describe may be singular to the way your school structures the classes, to your teachers, or to your own abilities. Almost all students would be discouraged from doing both.
Other issues for colleges would be: rather than doubling up in science, why didn’t that student take a core social science? Why no foreign language?
AP Psych fills that need (although I would ask when USH was/will be taken, since that a traditional junior course). Even though AP Psych is an AP-lite, it is still a social science.
Other than that, I agree with @MYOS1634 ; doubling up is fine, but one has to be very careful if it is done at the expense of another core subject.
haha thanks! I already took spanish 4, AP German, and Apush sophomore year. I am planning to take AP spanish senior year. I took programming as well but I didn’t like it. I am particularly nervous for Ap Calc BC and AP Chem, do you have advice on what I would expect? I tested out of chem and precalc during the summer, so yeah… I think i might be kinda doomed. @MYOS1634 @skieurope
I think you should take AP Spanish your JR year, and save one of the AP science classes for your Sr year.
Skipping a year of a FR language means your will likely forget a lot, and AP Spanish is not easy.
I agree with menloparkmom above. Take AP Spanish junior year and save one of the AP science classes for senior year.