17 days 'til my decision day... help me with my paranoia?

<p>Chance me, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!</p>

<p>Applied to Cornell (university... duh) ED. School of Ag & Life Sci and Human Eco college</p>

<p>Planning to major in Nutritional Studies</p>

<p>GPA: 3.33 (weighted)
SAT: 590 W, 610 R, 700 M
SATII: Bio 560, Chem 650, Math I 610</p>

<p>AP Courses
Chem (2)
taking AP Bio</p>

<p>Sr course load(full)
Creative Writing
AP Bio
Indpnt Science: Nutrition

Theater for 3 years
SADD (sadd.org) vice pres, 4 years
Recycling 3 years</p>

<p>Past summers: Cornell Summer College, Columbia Summer program</p>

<p>HS profile: Private in Hawaii. About 1 or 2 people go to Cornell each year</p>

<p>Going for 6 science credits by the time I graduate</p>

<p>Er. We could tell you anything you want to hear, but I think the actual results will be quite different.</p>

<p>I don't think you're getting in...</p>

<p>Your GPA and SATs cut you out of the running. You'd need something amazing to make up for it and you don't have it.</p>

<p>I think you'll get in if you applied ED, especially with a 700 on the math of your SAT. They like students who exceed in Math and Science</p>

<p>Nope, I really don't think you will get in, sorry.</p>

<p>Doesn't look good. I know 10 people applying and none of them have below a 4.3 weighted GPA/2000 SAT. Good Luck though.</p>

<p>@slater6661: 700 math isn't exceeding...</p>