<p>Eighteen days until EA deadline guys...I'm so nervous and excited! ;)! So WHO IS APPLYING EA? Make a list guys! GO H-BOMB!</p>
<p>If you guys don't get my H-Bomb implication then you have not done enough exploring of Harvard....;)...I am sure Saxfreq knows what I am speaking of....:)</p>
<p>are you referring to the semi-pornographic/semi-homosexual h bomb magazine? is that what you mean by "exploring"? LOL</p>
<p>ummm... we already have an EA list somewhere...</p>
<p>lmfao!!!! eas you crack me up body.</p>
<p>OMG EAS...I guess you know the real deal since you are ACTUALLY there. Homosexual....whoa...didn't know about that...? By exploring I mean looking at the different clubs Harvard has to offer. Hey EAS why would they have such a club at Harvard...kinda weird...I guess the liberal thing goes a long way. LOL</p>
<p>I already applied EA! When do you get back from Harvard?</p>
<p>17 DAYS!! Well since its so darn late....16 DAYS!!!!!</p>
<p>Who's actually sent in their applications already? Since they reccomend by the 15th? I havent... T_T</p>
<p>i haven't sent my yet ejm712</p>
<p>I haven't. I'm waiting on one letter of rec. It's from a former Harvard professor who taught me, so it should be good.</p>
<p>In my opinion, apfreak belongs in the H-Bomb.</p>
<p>Good luck to all the EA applicants.</p>
<p>hey tupac...HECK NO! Maybe that should be a joke with the interviewer.....uhhh...maybe not....</p>
<p>apfreak- H bomb magazine was started in 2004- there was a lot of drama behind it being recognized as an official student organization and being able to receive funding. The website is: <a href="http://www.h-bomb.org%5B/url%5D">www.h-bomb.org</a>
Here are some preview pics of the latest issue: <a href="http://www.h-bomb.org/preview20051.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.h-bomb.org/preview20051.htm</a> then click on next to see the others. Why was such a magazine created? Its supposed to be exploring the sexual lives of Harvard students....</p>
<p>lol apfreak, i love how half the threads on this forum were started by you...</p>