19 kids and 2 adults dead at elementary school in Texas

Or their 68th birthday.

Wanna play soldier - join the marines, national guard, or similar “WELL REGULATED” militaries.


Thank you for that information. I hadn’t seen that reported. I’m sure there’s a lot more information regarding this tragedy that will come out over the next several days.

Yes, any civilian wanting to acquire a functional assault weapon implicitly doesn’t have healthy thoughts, thus ought to be disqualified from acquiring any. Problem solved.

That those weapon’s hypothetically could also be used against squirrels, doesn’t outweigh the primary concern.


What are you referring to?

I read something inconsistent with that. The shooter was in a car being chased by law enforcement of some kind. His car crashed in a ditch near the school. He ran into the school with a pistol and rifle and shot indiscriminately. Border patrol agent followed shooter into the building. By then shooter was behind a barricade of some sort. Border patrol agent shot and killed him. Agent was wounded in the exchange.

See 'Elite' Border Patrol agent credited with killing Texas school mass shooter | Washington Examiner


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Roughly 120 owned guns per 100 civilians. Why?



Devices that have no other purpose than to kill as many fellow humans as possible. Anyone aspiring to obtain the means to do that, outside of the well regulated services, is disqualified.


On CNN they were interviewing a police officer who said that the school definitely has armed officers on the premises. I would guess that most of not all schools in Texas have armed officers.

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The AR 15 has become the most popular forearm in America. There are reportedly at least 15 million owned. Many Americans use them for hunting, target shooting, home defense, etc. They have many lawful uses. They are not a military weapon and not used by our armed forces. They are semiautomatic weapons just like many other rifles, shotguns and handguns.

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Doesn’t prevent anything - one can kill a lot of people long before anyone can react, even if they are on the same campus.

As long as this country arms its people, those arms will be used for killing.


Then why do we have armed security anywhere if it’s not effective? An armed school resource officer can certainly be an asset, just like a bodyguard, security guard, etc.

I guess one argument is that the carnage would be worse if no armed officers.

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Absolutely an asset, just clearly not the solution to the problem at hand. Neither a deterrent, nor protection.
No guns = no shootings. Works in the rest of the civilized world, where the risk of gun deaths is a fraction of ours, despite civilians not being armed to their teeth “for personal defense” against illegal guns.



Enough! :broken_heart::disappointed:


The aim is not just LESS carnage - ask the hundreds parents of school shooting victims. The goal is that an attacker will have to throw stones!


It’s not in the constitution - it’s an amendment. Just like prohibition, time to un-amend when it’s no longer serving the people.


I don’t see the US going that route (no guns).

I’m glad my children’s school has a school resource officer on-site.


With the greatest respect to hunters, any hunter who needs an assault rifle to hunt deer is quite pathetic.

For those who say guns don’t kill people, but that people kill people, that is absurd. The issue is how many people can one person kill. With a knife, it’s probably very few; with a handgun, it’s probably more, still few. With assault weapons, it is a massive amount in a few seconds.

These are MASS killings that occur very quickly. Without automatic or semiautomatic weapons, the number of people killed/injured would be much smaller.

I am willing to concede that people with automatic/semi-automatic weapons kill lots of people, but not the patent absurdity that “people kill people.” The focus is BOTH on the guns and the people. Regulating guns is far easier.

I am fed up with “thoughts and prayers” and nonsense like “we are grieving, and we should not be talking about legislation etc at time like this” after every mass shooting. That is the essence and very definition of stalling and slow-walking to hope folks forget about this.


And my deepest condolences to every CHILD, adult ,and family affected in Texas. And the same for Buffalo, and the same for ______________, ______________, _________…List of mass shootings in the United States in 2022 - Wikipedia


Heartbroken. Angry. Sad.

This is just a horrible day.