19 kids and 2 adults dead at elementary school in Texas


Doubt that - seems to me shooters usually don’t expect to walk out anyway.

And ultimately, whoever shoots many times before the other side can even draw always succeeds.

Or they just go to the movie theatre during the next Disney release, or the neighborhood playground

But if they don’t have a TOOL that requires no planning or any skill but the impulse of moving a finger at a distance, they can go to any of the places with less deadly outcomes.

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Full disclosure: we are gun owners. My dh is a duck hunter and he owns a pistol he got from his father. No one needs an AR 15 yo hunt. Hunters that think they need to shoot deer with an AR 15 are seriously trying to compensate for something.

We get that the NRA says that an AR 15 is not an assault weapon. They have a massive financial stake in pushing that talking point. However the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms disagrees. Further AR 15s were included in the 1994 assault weapons ban–legislation Reagan strongly supported and advocated for.


In mass shootings the data shows the majority of the firearms used are handguns. Are we getting rid of handguns? I’m sure many wouldn’t mind that. I’m not sure it’s going to happen though.

Yes, there are more guns in America than any other country. There’s no doubt america would have more homicides via firearms than elsewhere.

So maybe we don’t just aim for better stats than Mexico or Central America?
Maybe we aim to get close to European nations?

How about for once this country stays away from the “top of the list”:

Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019

  1. Brazil (49436)
  2. United States (37038)
  3. Venezuela (28515)
  4. Mexico (22116)
  5. India (14710)
  6. Colombia (13169)
  7. Philippines (9267)
  8. Guatemala (5980)

Now, unless there is a statistic that shows that there were 37,038 cases where a U.S. civilian successfully fought off an armed attacker in a shoot-out - the scale very clearly tips in one direction.


Again, another right wing talking point
mass shootings are defined as 4 or more people. A lot of 4 person mass shootings are domestic or drug issues. Not random slaughtering of unknown people or children. If you look at mass shootings where 10 or more people died OR where the targets were kids, you’d have a VERY different graph.


If they are involuntarily committed. Not if they go in voluntarily.

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Ya, because security guards getting paid $10/hour are a mentally stable bunch.

And WHAT ABOUT those kamikaze drones, Switchblade 600’s, or Javelin anit-tank missles, which are being used to destroy Russian tanks in Ukraine? It’s all or nothing right?


I work in a school about the same size as this schools - 600 students - although ours are Pre3 to 5th, so a wider age range. We have no armed personnel, or even unarmed officers. The most we have is a ‘response team’ with walkie talkies, mostly for students with behavior issues. There is one main office to enter the school, and that requires you to be buzzed in unless you have a key card.

However, it wouldn’t take much for someone to get into the school. The back fences around the playground are ‘secured’ with a carabiner (the parents drive through the playground to drop/pick up children so gates not locked) plus the wooden fence separating the playground from the apartment building next door has MANY holes in it - a dog got through the other day! Someone could walk in with a parent dropping off a Pre-schooler at 12:30 for the afternoon session. Delivery people leave doors open to unload. Techs or administrators from the district office walk around.

Schools just aren’t that secure. We had a ‘shelter in place’ incident early this year and I don’t even know what triggered it.

According to this LATimes article Red Flag laws would have made the most significant difference in stopping mass shootings. The key is the enforcement of these laws, as well as all other gun laws. Too often we hear that the killer “slipped through the cracks”. We need to seal those cracks and hold responsible those who don’t follow through in enforcing these laws.

Most shooters have broken gun laws in their states. More laws won’t help if they’re not enforced.


Yes, that’s correct, only for involuntary commitment.

Many gun owners feel strongly that more restrictions should be put in place regarding gun ownership and mental illness though.

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And WHAT ABOUT my right to own a NUCLEAR ARM!? It’s enshrined in the Second Amendment! Right? I can bear whatever arms I want to!

(if CC had a sarcasm emoji, I would add it several times here!)


Actually the Supreme Court disagrees with you on that point.


As a person in a school setting, what do you feel would make you more secure? Would an armed resource officer be a help? Would secure entrances? Just curious since you are there and can speak to your thoughts about security.

I fully understand, but I guess you didn’t even with the reference to sarcasm emojis?


Why is it always more armed guards, more metal detectors, more bag searches, more pat downs, more strip searches, mor invasion of my privacy. Why isn’t it ever, stop the ridiculous proliferation of guns??? Stop with the deflection of “well some real ‘sportsmen’ use assault rifles to hunt, and some people who are feeling really inadequate feel the need for an assault rifle to defend their manhood”. It is basically a civilian variant of a military weapon and it was designed to kill humans, quickly and effectively. In addition to the fact that it can carry legal (and illegal) magazines that hold a ridiculous number of rounds so you don’t need to reload to pause in your slaughter. Yes, many people are killed by handguns, every year. Again, because of the ridiculous proliferation of guns in the USA. But these guns typically do not lead to 20 kids being killed at a grade school in 5 minutes. But regardless, if we had universal background checks, instead of states like Texas where any idiot can buy a gun at the local gas station with no background check, no permit, no training and a record a mile long
 hey, maybe that would end some of this. Maybe a psych eval before all the road ragers who want to open carry bought an assault rifle would be a good thing too.


I did. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that the second amendment doesn’t confer an unlimited right.


So, are you saying there’s a constraint on size of weapon? That’s rhetorical.


[angry sarcasm]But kids, you don’t understand. Your lives are not worth as much to us as the money the we get from gun sellers.[/angry sarcasm]

The 2nd amendment talked about the right of every citizen to be a soldier, and the right f states to establish their own armed forces. The obsession of Americans with guns is a mental illness which is killing thousands of every year, and is being encouraged by politicians, religious leaders and businesses. This mental illness is being advertised as virtue, rather than being treated.

I’m not afraid of somebody who hears voices. I’m afraid of somebody who needs to own a gun in order to feel safe, even though they have no idea how to use a gun for self protection.

Having more people with guns to protect from gun violence? Oh sure, and next on “Now THAT’S a Stupid Idea”, we will demonstrate how to protect yourself from a grenade by throwing another grenade down by your feet.

Learning how to use a gun in self defense successfully takes years and a lot of training. Anybody who is not, i.e., 99% of all gun owners, will just kill more innocent people and will likely be killed while providing another gun to the murderer.


On that note though no law prevented the private ownership of a cannon in colonial America. And no I’m not suggesting the private ownership of nuclear weapons.

Did you realize that a civilian can actually own a fully automatic military weapon though? With enough money (they are insanely expensive), the right background check and enough federal paperwork your neighbor could own a fully automatic Vietnam era M-16.