Hello! From reading what other people have said it seems that taking 3 Subject tests is not the wisest of decisions. I recently took 3 SAT Subject tests, Math 2, Chemistry, and Literature.
Math 2 was 800, Chemistry was 760, and my Literature was a little over 600 (Horrible, I know I shouldn’t have taken it). My question is how badly would this affect my application to highly selective schools? I know tje obvious question is yes it may have a negative effect on the applications process, but how much do they weigh these scores? Usually they just recommend 2, not 3.
@itsgettingreal17 Yes, that would be the best choice, but don’t schools like Stanford/Yale (I hope I’m not sounding too pretentious by mentioning these two) require that all SAT Subject tests be sent? Also thank you for your reply.
@carrots0066 No carrots, no school requires all SAT SUBJECT tests to be sent. Stanford only requires the SAT I scores all to be sent. This is because the SAT II is technically optional so they cannot force you to send all of those scores. You are allowed to use score choice for the SAT SUBJECT tests, so only send math and chem.
Yale allows you to choose which subject tests to send
@VenomBuds @greenteen17 Oh my gosh. I feel really stupid right now, probably because I am. I thought when they meant ALL SAT scores, they mean everything Thank you so much.
@carrots0066 No prob
I didn’t know until recently either!