2 Weeks to Test - Help!

<p>I have two weeks until my SAT and have been studying for a bit (about two weeks, memorized some vocab (PR's Hit Parade) and reviewed math and the essay and Spark notes writing section quickly, took some practice sections). I wrote my first legit practice test at the library today and got a 1960... 650 CR 640 WR (10 Essay, 570 MC) and 670 M. I made many stupid mistakes (I believe I only misunderstood 2 math questions which I am reviewing now). I wrote a 177 PSAT (no study 64 M 60 W 53 CR). What do you guys recommend in order for me to up my score over 2000 - hopefully closer to 2100 (I am a junior so I can rewrite but I'd rather ace it now!</p>

<p>Also, if I wrote and reviewed my practice test today, would you recommend writing another practice test tomorrow, the test date is only two weeks away and I've only written one practice!!!!!</p>

<p>Just read the newspaper, such as the NY Times this is the best one to read, review the grammer rules and vocabulary, and just study a little of the concepts in math and tricks such as the plug in method and using a ruler you made off your answer sheet to solve problems where IT IS DRAWN TO SCALE. The reason why the NY Times is the best is because it has challanging vocabulary and writing styles as well as the sentence completion sentences are modeled after the newspapers (any), magizines (any), and articles (any). Study the types of questions on the test, such as inference questions, vocab questions, passage based questions, etc. Good luck, and is this your first SAT?</p>

<p>yea first oneā€¦</p>