<p>what about the slightly above average student. the one who gets 2000 on SATs, only has like 2-3 AP test score, that are 4s. But has a schedule filled with Honors and AP classes. Has taken 2 SAT IIs, did decent on them. has a strong GPA at 4.0. has some extra curicular activities and volunteer hours, but nothing like saving pandas from the rainforest or something (i know they arent in the rainforest). spent every summer with friends at home. </p>
<p>whats a good college for them, must they end up at their state college, or can they apply to other schools such as UNC and NYU??</p>
<p>You're a very much above average student. UNC out-of-state is very difficult, but your stats would be good for NYU as well as a number of top schools whose SAT ranges is around yours (in my part of the country, that would include Wake Forest, Davidson, Vanderbilt, Tulane and a number of others; what part of the country are you aiming for?). BTW, you've apparently done an excellent job of keeping the pandas out of the rainforest, where they would cause environmental devastation - I should think that counts for something.</p>
<p>You just described me, except I took 13 AP tests in h.s. I know a lot of people at top tier universities (Ivy, Stanford, MIT, Duke, etc.) with similar stats.</p>
<p>exactly, and im from nj, and it seems like im going to Rutgers (im in summer of junior year), but like i want to know if i can apply to other schools. im actually not looking fro IVY, but something between ivy and a good state university. any ideas of what colleges those are?</p>
<p>ps im not the kind of person that wants crazy reaches i just want matches. like heck if i studied harder took the SATs again and SAT IIs, maybe i can go to an ivy, but im not looking for that, im looking for something around what i described above.thanks</p>
<p>This year, especially, the breakdown of your 2000 will matter to many schools. If the first two scores (CR and Math) are close to 1400, that is excellent. The writing score is still an unknown since it is such a new component.</p>
<p>You are wrong- not that there is anything wrong with a state college, but you have LOTS of other options. The SATs are just one component of the appication.</p>
<p>I'm another 2000-er (although I am planning to retake)...where do we, average kids go? Do you think 2000-ers have any chance at top LACs like Amherst/Williams? </p>
<p>In the east I think we're fair game in schools like BC and NYU.</p>