Add my voice to this, too. ;)</p>
<p>psych, as to the $…yeah. I was a bit surprised my very practical kid willingly choose more debt over less debt, but she only had that opportunity because of her UG choice. 1 out of 2 ain’t that bad. ;)</p>
Add my voice to this, too. ;)</p>
<p>psych, as to the $…yeah. I was a bit surprised my very practical kid willingly choose more debt over less debt, but she only had that opportunity because of her UG choice. 1 out of 2 ain’t that bad. ;)</p>
<p>Just awesome cur, awesome.</p>
<p>Congrats to the others on this thread. Thank you all for sharing your personal journey.</p>
We have had discussions about finances. I cannot convince my D. to lay off this concern and just go for the best. Of course, it is very early for her, she still has to take MCAT, but she is very pre-occupied with tuition cost for some unknown reason.<br>
Congrats to you and your D. !</p>
<p>Congrats again!</p>
<p>And Curm- I know your were held in the throes of indecision with her, but WE all knew it would be Yale. Had to be, just had to be!!</p>
<p>She is going to need a heavy jacket, mittens and some boots. Lands End outlet worked for the boy.</p>
<p>I wish you both the very best, SHE is going to be a DOCTOR!!!</p>
<p>Excellent news, Curm & M2B. Great to have the decisions made. </p>
<p>My DH & I spent the weekend in DDs town to be with little sis, spent a day apartment hunting so that the rental can be done from afar this summer, got a great short list, then today checked the ratings online and am scared of all of them- horror stories online!!</p>
<p>I was allowed on my D’s facebook (during the decision days) to look at the Yale accepted student page. I was granted access again last night to see who was still on there after the 15th. </p>
<p>Yale’s facebook group is vetted/by invite only and appears to have been updated to include only those students still holding acceptances to Yale after the 15th. The numbers dropped from 130 something to 78 students over the weekend. </p>
<p>Thought somebody might be interested in what the UG make-up of the class looked like at this point. If not, at least I amused myself. </p>
<p>4 students leave no real clue of institution.</p>
<p>That leaves 74.</p>
<p>34/74 Ivy League.</p>
<p>24/74 HYPS (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford)</p>
<p>40/74 Top Ten or Ivy League</p>
<p>5/74 Foreign UG’s (4 Canadian)</p>
<p>3/74 Top Ten Public Schools</p>
<p>12/74 Public Schools (7/74 Flagships)</p>
<p>3/74 LAC’s (all Top 50)</p>
<p>Feel free to draw the conclusions that support your already well thought-out opinions. But remember as you are reinforcing your “notions” - this is a just one school (a unique, somewhat self-selecting one at that) and the app cycle is not yet finished.</p>
<p>I was just doing it to see where my kids classmates went to school because, for us, it’s over. (Not on any wait-lists.) IOW (and to paraphrase Michael Vick) I thankfully no longer have a dog in this fight.</p>
<p>Curm- I was doing the same thing last fall as DD’s UW page for facebook grew and I noticed a similar trend, though it is a school that required one to live in the region (WA-ID-MT-WY-AK) the early admits were from amazing schools all over the country. There were in the first 20 schools like Standford, Berkeley, Columbia, Yale, Harvard, UPenn, etc. Of course, there is a huge UW component, but I saw a much greater group of fall admits who had gone other places and done interesting things. By the same token, there were also two from Whitworth, a tiny not well known LAC, which made me smile.</p>
<p>Hey Curm- I guess that last ditch irreverent email to the various admissions depts was the right thing to do!! There is something that feels very complete about your DDs journey-admitted UG to Y and unable to make a smart choice due to the financial aid and now in Y med school with suitable finaid.</p>
<p>Well, I don’t know how “smart” her Hail Mary was (to me it felt more “eh. wth. <send>.” than calculated) but…it worked at one place. ;)</send></p>
<p>I have to believe her UG application experience played a role in her med school choice. I asked her to discount it, but I don’t know how she could completely do that.</p>
<p>Her choice is getting mixed reviews among her contemporaries but she’s confident she’s in the right place.</p>
<p>Haha – I saw that e-mail. I would have (incorrectly) STRONGLY advised against it. Shows how much I know.</p>
<p>PS: Mixed reviews? Really? I’m a little bit surprised.</p>
<p>Without going into detail…it showed “personality”. </p>
<p>bdm. iirc, you were horrified. :eek:</p>
<p>My exact response:
“My goodness – I would NEVER have written (or approved) such a letter – but it sounds like it worked out beautifully.”</p>
Oh, her people are excited for her, and I’m not saying it’s an equal split. More pro than con. I think it’s a sign of the changing economics of medicine. The perception of that “change” has resulted in an attitude that cheaper is almost always better. In fact, when quality is similar (as in her case) I don’t have any problem with that attitude. ;)</p>
<p>Fascinating. Just finished up my thesis, which devotes a few pages to the possibility that medical providers will exit the field. Never occurred to me that it could pressure students to choose different med schools.</p>
<p>Curm- the first time I read that email she sent, I thought ya’ll were just venting & kidding, not that you were really going to send it. I was impressed with the gumption & attitude in doing so, and I guess Y was, too You really were in a “what do I have to lose now” situation.</p>
<p>Geez, I go away for a few days and miss all the good news…</p>
<p>Congrats mudge, mudgette and Mom2Boys…know how it feels to finally have it over…now hold on because you’ll be amazed at how fast it goes…now just wish my D’s Law school decision was finalized…</p>
<p>My wife travels to Hartford several times a year and often has several Yale kids on her flights…apparently cheaper and more options to/from DFW than some of the other airports if trying to avoid flying through NYC…thought you might want to know about that option.</p>
<p>It’s totally not true that most hospitals/med schools only have a handful of DOs on faculty. At UMDN-RWJ, I know that a number of the pediatric residents are DOs, including oen of the Chief Residents. (and while there have been less DO chief residents than MD, there have been 3-4 DO Chief Residents in recent years). I also see a number of DO faculty at MD medical schools.</p>
<p>Something to look forward to:</p>
<p>The SOM orientation packet has arrived and been completed. The first promissory note signed.</p>
<p>DD will be home next week and we will empty the basement, pack up the U-haul and drive her to her new apartment the first week of August. Med school begins the 2nd week in August.</p>
<p>I’m posting this here instead of the new thread because…well, I don’t know. Felt more “right”. Any of you (or your) “soon to start M1” students feeling a little…hinky?.. jicky?..excited yet scared? optimistic but wholly inadequate? Looked on facebook at your class and went…“Gee. All these people look really smart.”? Nope? Well, I guess mine isn’t either. ;)</p>