2009-2010 Med school applicants

<p>Yeah. You’re just guessing like the rest of us. You got nothing.</p>

<p>Haha. Willing to inTrade me on that? =)</p>

<p>hey cur, I’m thinkin’s it’s payback time for all those parental embarrassing moments. Heck, if I was your D, I’d sign two checks, place them in two envelopes and drive to post office to deposit one. Shred the second. Then, come mid-August, she’ll tell you to gas up the Harley and tell you to drive…</p>

<p>It’s Yale by a nose. Emails have been sent. It’s done. :)</p>

<p>I told you</p>

<p>(They won’t let me use allcaps.)</p>

<p>Congrats to her, HER CYCLE IS OVER!</p>

<p>Thanks, steeler. It must be good for y’all to know where you are headed next year. I feel a big sense of relief myself. This last few hours has been tough. On me. And, let’s get real…that’s what is most important here. ;)</p>

<p>It feels great. I’ve been spending the last few weeks talking with roommates, looking up housing in Charlottesville, plotting how UVA’s football schedule matches up with my undergrad’s. Your daughter cut it a little closer (no thanks to financial aid offices), but still, she’s done.</p>

<p>Imagine those counting on waitlist movement… <em>shudders</em></p>

<p>There is something very “full circle” about your D’s decision. Congratulations to all!</p>

<p>Ah! What a great outcome! So very pleased for curmudgeon’s daughter! Had lunch yesterday with my son’s best friend, home from Yale undergrad, a rare outcome in my home town… and never saw anyone more fulfilled and content socially…and excited about science and all he is learning from inspired lab science teachers I might add! The kid took three lab sciences in his second semester as an undergrad and still had time for sports, trips into NYC, and Gilbert and Sullivan. The Yale community has a great deal to offer your daughter as she begins all the labor and hard work ahead of her…</p>

<p>She has a clear vocation and we have all enjoyed her journey. I have some friends in Atlanta with a girl with a big dream of being a doctor (and a great personal story) reading these posts, who will be applying to her undergrad colleges next fall. </p>

<p>Congrats to those of you on this board also going to fulfill your dreams to be physicians and to your proud parents. (extra nod to bluedevilmike who often generously advises new dreamers who think they belong in medicine on the Duke boards.)</p>

<p>Kudos to all of you old timers with new med students! Lots to learn about this process from your posts. </p>

<p>a Duke 09 mom</p>

<p>Yale!!! That is wonderful. Congrats to her. She sure did make you sweat till the end though, didn’t she? </p>

<p>How long will it take for you to drive from Texas all the way to CT? Bit farther than Rhodes. Can’t wait to read the posts of your long drive there hauling all of her stuff. I still remember your stories of taking her to college. I seem to recall some type of car breakdown trouble. </p>

<p>It has been fun being on this thread for the past year. Thanks to curmudgeon, steeler, somemom, eadad, bluedevil and a whole bunch more of you for all of your posts, support, words of wisdom, and everything else. And I want to say thanks to bluedevil and bigred and norcal for all of their previous posts throughout the years that have educated me on this whole med school thing. CC has been invaluable for me. DS does not come to this site but I have told him so much of what I have learned here and it has helped him tremendously. </p>

<p>Since it is May 15th and I don’t have to worry about jinxing anything anymore, I guess I can safely say where DS chose to attend. Drum roll please…</p>


<p>He is happy with his choice. He got into some great schools and he liked all of them but in the end, financial aid made a difference. It has been a week since he decided on NYU and he has gotten attached to his choice and is excited about it and can’t see himself anywhere else. </p>

<p>Congrats to all of the other med school applicants on this site. All of you did well.</p>

<p>Cur and m2b, congratulations to both of your kids on their wonderful results and for completing the cycle in one piece!</p>

<p>Congrats on the 2 most recent decisions announced on this thread.</p>

<p>For Cur’s daughter, CT will be quite a different experience from TN and TX (at least there’s still a “T” in it) - but I’m sure she will shine.</p>

<p>Such an interesting CC story…told with much candor and humor by her father.</p>

<p>Enjoy graduation and all the “excitement” from the trips and the moves!</p>

<p>Congrats Mom2boys and Curm… What an achievement for your wonderful kids as well as the others here who are the parents of or are themselves going on to Med Schools. </p>

<p>You should all be proud!.</p>

<p>well, curm, I will retire my crystal ball as all that I have forseen has come to pass.</p>

<p>Cur and m2b, congratulations! It was a great achievement!</p>

<p>Cur, It may be time for your D to find an apartment. If she is going to have a car, there may be more choices. If not, the demand for housing near the campus is generally quite high. I think the rent for a studio (without a roommate) may be around 800-900 per month near the downtown area.</p>


So far I’ve found two pricing levels</p>

<p>1) “Sucks”
2) Ain’t gonna happen.</p>

<p>We’re gonna go have to go with “sucks”.</p>

<p>hg, yeah. You were always more optimistic than we were. Glad you were right. But this process can sure throw the doubt into you. Let’s not forget , she was rejected/not invited to interview at several places. She had some dings along the way, but nobody is complaining. ;)</p>

<p>Congrats to your D, cur! I would have chosen the money myself (heck, when picking my grad school, I did), but your D really had an awesome choice and I hope she’ll be happy at Yale (well, as much as one can be happy in med school) and successful (but that’s a given).</p>

<p>Big congrats to all that have completed this cycle and thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.<br>
Mom2Boys: NYU is in such a great area of New York. Your son’s gonna love it!
Cur: What goes around certainly comes around.</p>

<p>Glad it worked out for all!</p>