<p>soo, i was getting really aggravated i hadnt heard anything back by the end of march, so i called to see what the hell was going on. talk to someone in the admissions office…was super nice to her…for obvious reasons…and she eventually looked up my file. well they had on file that i hadnt completed my golden 4, which i had and they had all my info for it…so it was a mistake on their end. so…she (yolanda) gave me another number to call, called them, fixed the computer issue with my file. 2 days later check my student portal…ACCEPTED.</p>
<p>3.21gpa. all community college done in orange county.
linguistics major. do work.</p>
<p>Well ozzy said that he was getting a transcript from texas?? I’ve talked to a CSUF counselor and the regional impaction is relevant for students who complete ALL coursework at an orange county community college. GPA requirements for people who’ve done work outside this area is very high. As a college I would just take the best of the best, so I don’t understand their mentality of catering to locals. I guess maybe because most of the funding is only local now?</p>
<p>Priority is given to locals who have >2.0 and get the CSU GE completion certificate or whatever. Individual majors may set their own GPA requirements, but I know people who have had GPAs as low as 2.6 from OCC and IVC get into the business and education program while other people from the likes of Long Beach and San Diego get rejected with 3.6+ GPAs</p>
<p>I got in with a 3.0 GPA in business. I’m at Irvine Valley College, there’s a close relationship between IVC and CSUF for transfers. The small CSUF irvine campus is also down the street.</p>
<p>But the reason I was waitlisted because I had a 3.65gpa instead of a 3.7gpa.</p>
<p>I called them and they said that I have a 3.68gpa (I’ll accept that!) and once they use the waitlist they’ll contact me in a few weeks. And considered there is only a .02GPA difference, I find it highly possible that I will be accepted afterall :).</p>
<p>Now the main problem is waiting to get accepted and getting an apartment! AND a roommate! D:! and paying for college.</p>
<p>geez lots to do, they should just tell me I’m accepted now so I can start the process
(hopefully they /do/ accept me)</p>