<p>the essay of U Penn
Considering both the specific undergraduate school or program to which you are applying and the broader University of Pennsylvania community, what academic, research, and/or extracurricular paths do you see yourself exploring at Penn?</p>
<p>I think it is asking about my future plans in U Penn, buti'm not sure. So I want to ask everyone how you think of it. Should I specify what kind of courses i will take?</p>
<p>Do just as it says… talk about your major (if you have one) or what you’re interested in and how UPenn will help you achieve your goals. What sort of research you hope to be doing (if applicable) and extracurricular. I wouldn’t really state which courses you will be taking</p>
<p>How do you interpret Penn’s word limit? It says confining answers to one page only (250 words). Using typical fonts, you can easily put 500 words on a page. Is the 250 words the lower limit? Thanks.</p>
<p>The 250 word limit could be either the upper limit or the lower limit. If it is the upper limit, an essay with 251 words fails. If it is the lower limit, an essay with 249 words fails. An essay with exactly 250 words barely meets the requirements.</p>
<p>I think it is confusing. If you go to the Penn website, it says to answer the question on one page. If you go to the common app and click on the Penn supplement it says one page and in parenthesis it says 250 words. ???</p>
<p>Funny, the word limit has increased from 250 to 500. Does this mean those people who have submitted their essays fail by submitting too short essays? When did the change occur?</p>