<p>Hey Everyone!</p>
<p>Let's make it easier for all prospective future transfer's by posting our transfer stats here in one Thread For UCLA decisions, which are posted later today!!!:</p>
<p>Please Use this format:</p>
(Pick one
[ size=+2][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted*[/color][/size]
[ size=+2][ color=orange][ b]Decision: Waitlisted[/color][/size]
[ size=+2][ color=red][ b]Decision: Rejected*[/color][/size]</p>
<p>[ size=+2][ color=blue][ b]Decision Date & Time: (FILL IN THE BLANK)**[/color][/size]</p>
<p>[ b]Objective:[list]
[ *] UC GPA:
[ *] Major Pre-reqs Completed:
[ *] Intended Major:
[ *] TAG?:
[ *] IGETC?:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[list]
[ ] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
[ *] Job/Work Experience:
[ *] Volunteer/Community service:
[ *] Personal Statement:
[ /list][ b]Other[list]
[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?:
[ *] State (if domestic applicant):
[ *] Country (if international applicant):
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Income Bracket:
[ *] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.):
[ *] Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted):
[ /list][ b]Reflection[list]
[ *] Strengths:
[ *] Weaknesses:
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
[ /list][ b]General Comments:* Good Luck!!</p>
<p>Please Be Sure to remove the space in the bracket for proper formatting,
for Example [ <em>] or [ b] should be[</em>] and **</p>
<p>Credit goes to jdom24 for this fancy formatting Good Luck Everyone!! Now on the home stretch guys, good luck my fellow CCers.</p>
<p>Allow me.</p>
<p>(Pick one)
Decision: Accepted
Decision: Waitlisted
Decision: Rejected</p>
<p>Decision Date & Time: (FILL IN THE BLANK)</p>
[<em>] UC GPA:
[</em>] Major Pre-reqs Completed:
[<em>] Intended Major:
[</em>] TAG?:
[<em>] IGETC?:
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
[<em>] Job/Work Experience:
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service:
[<em>] Personal Statement:
[</em>] Applied for Financial Aid?:
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant):
[</em>] Country (if international applicant):
[<em>] School Type:
[</em>] Ethnicity:
[<em>] Gender:
[</em>] Income Bracket:
[<em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.):
[</em>] Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted):
[<em>] Strengths:
[</em>] Weaknesses:
[li] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:[/li][/ul]General Comments: Good Luck!!</p>
<p>@philo, I’m making a separate thread for that information only, just like last year’s, so next year’s transfers can access it specifically and not have to sort through 200 pages of “WAHH I’M STILL PENDING WHAT DOES THIS MEAN” and “OH MY GOD I’M TOO EXCITED TO POST STATS RIGHT NOW” haha :)</p>
<p>Does access into housing application include getting into the whole application (picking where you wanna live, roomate, passport picture, etc) or just getting into the app itself and having the “we are unaware of your registration status…” when you try to get into it?</p>
<p>just getting into the app itself is sufficient. however i can’t access it today</p>
is there any difference between getting up to the app and being able to fill out housing in terms of positive indicators?</p>
<p>Hi, can someone kindly put a direct link to the admissions page, so people (like myself) can bookmark the page and not frantically ask everyone on this page once the decisions are released. Thanks! :)</p>
<p>@bear, in terms of housing, the two positive indicators are: being able to access the app (directly) and/or getting the error message that says the application is unavailable.</p>
<p>everything else is either irrelevant or neutral (such as the “unsure of enrollment status” message)</p>
okay thanks. Your work on these indicators has been impeccable.</p>
<p>@bear, aw thanks
see: I’M NEUROTIC AND INSANE, haha</p>
<p>Don’t worry, after all of these decisions are done we’ll go back to normal and hopefully never have to deal with this process again. This is 2 years running for me and I’m definitely over it.</p>
<p>Hey guys, not to be a jerk or anything, but we should really keep this thread stats only for the sake of next year’s transfers. Just sayin.</p>
<p>^^^ seriously! there are already 38749234 threads about UCLA. can’t we keep ONE strictly decisions</p>
<p>yeah, that’s fine and all, but as you can see, it already ISN’T stats-only, and you guys contributed to that problem (as did I)</p>
<p>every year, we have threads like these, wherein people post their stats and, whether we like it or not, also discuss things related to their admissions decisions.</p>
<p>I will say, however, that we will have a decisions-only trick thread for next year, just like last year’s transfers did for us.</p>
<p>^I’m hoping to take care of that problem with a comprehensive stats only thread. I’ve made the post, just figuring out when to post it as to minimize the amount of discussion that goes on. People haven’t received their decisions yet and are anxious, so they’re just going to engage in discussion until they receive their decisions. The successful stats only threads seem to be made after decisions have started to come out.</p>
<p>(Sorry in advance for contributing to the series of tangential posts in this thread)</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted</p>
<p>Decision Date & Time: 4/20 @ 5:00 pm</p>
[<em>] UC GPA: 3.61
[</em>] Major Pre-reqs Completed: 8/10
[<em>] Intended Major: Art
[</em>] TAG?: Nope
[<em>] IGETC?: Yep, completed as of Fall 2011
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Very few
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: Unemployed until after I submitted my app
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service: a couple of hrs here and there
[<em>] Personal Statement: N/A
[</em>] Applied for Financial Aid?: yep
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): N/A
[</em>] Country (if international applicant): N/A
[<em>] School Type: CCC
[</em>] Ethnicity: Latin/hispanic
[<em>] Gender: male
[</em>] Income Bracket: EFC 0000
[<em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): first gen college student, raised by a single mother, etc
[</em>] Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted): more than likely
[<em>] Strengths: art portfolio, i guess
[</em>] Weaknesses: idk
[li] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: honestly, idk, i didn’t think i’d be admitted to the program, it is so fcking competitive that i didn’t even think i had a chance, then i received the open house invite and idk. still in disbelief. [/li][/ul]General Comments: Good Luck!!</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted</p>
<p>**Decision Date & Time: 04/20/2012 - 5:00 pm **</p>
[<em>] UC GPA: ~3.75
[</em>] Major Pre-reqs Completed: All
[<em>] Intended Major: Mathematics (Pure)
[</em>] TAG?: No
[<em>] IGETC?: Completed
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Physics club, math club, (Head of a student govt. branch), (Student rep. on many committees, one of them being very distinguished), (Student member on grievance/disciplinary hearings), [forgetting some other stuff]
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: 1 year tutoring mathematics as a college employee
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service: Math tutoring (unpaid)
[<em>] Personal Statement: Very solid
[</em>] Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
[<em>] State (if domestic applicant): CA
[</em>] School Type:CCC
[<em>] Ethnicity: White
[</em>] Gender:Male
[<em>] Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted): Depends on UCB admissions
[</em>] Strengths:See above
[li] Weaknesses: Probably could have done a little more community service, if I had time[/li][/ul]</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted</p>
<p>Decision Date & Time: Apr 20, 5pm</p>
• UC GPA: 4.00
• Major Pre-reqs Completed: will be completed by spring 2012( microecon IP)
• Intended Major: Business Economics
• TAG?: no
• IGETC?: will be completed by Spring 2012
• Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): AGS, a few volunteers
• Job/Work Experience: a few
• Volunteer/Community service:
• Personal Statement: 9/10
• Applied for Financial Aid?:yes
• State (if domestic applicant):CA
• Country (if international applicant):
• School Type:CCC
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender:
• Income Bracket:
• Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.):
• Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted):
• Strengths: GPA
• Weaknesses: no so much leadership
• Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: high GPA
General Comments: I am so happyyyyyy now! Three years hard work finally paid off!!! Good luck everyone!</p>