2013-14 Unofficial College Discussion Thread

<p>Hey guys, this will be a place where we can all discuss the college application process from start to finish! Deadlines, miscellaneous thoughts, and eureka moments are all welcome! Basically anything that you feel like pertains to the college process should/can be posted! We definitely welcome all submissions! Hopefully, through this process, we are all benefited, get into the higher education institution of our choice, and live happy, wonderful, and productive lives! </p>

<p>Class of 2018 unite!!</p>

<p>GM: here’s a great site lots of people discussing those very things!</p>

<p>[Click</a> Here](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/]Click”>Applying to College - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Hi T26E4, good link! But was hoping for more consolidated page! So just to start off, what’s everyone doing this summer in terms of college applications/visits?</p>

<p>gm: i was being sarcastic. Your omnibus thread, asking everyone about every aspect of college admissions — isn’t gonna have much traction. This entire site is devoted to that. People aren’t gonna camp in this thread, your private forum to banter back and forth. Forum dynamics are much more user friendly than your “blog” esque post here.</p>

<p>What you should do is trawl around for interesting topics, read, learn, and inject when you have something to say.</p>

<p>For instance, why don’t you start a thread about “what are your summer college visit plans”? You’ll actually get people interested in replying — rather than looking at this thread. Forum usage 101.</p>

<p>oh i hear you. that makes sense actually. thanks for the advice! it helps a lot!</p>