2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>@collegecrazies, what were your son’s stats? (if don’t you mind, of course)</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance packet today as well in the mail. The portal has not changed. This was quite a surprise as he didn’t expect a decision for a few more weeks. We are in NJ and he applied undecided. </p>

<p>My daughter received her acceptance letter yesterday. We’re from Chicago. She’s been accepted into the Interior Design program. Stats 30 ACT Composite (35 English, 31 Math). Waiting for honors notification, and merit aid before making a final decision.</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance letter yesterday. Like you guys we were surprised to hear early. No change on the online admission portal. I’m posting this because this kind of detailed information was very useful to us when we were helping him decide where to apply. </p>

<p>Accepted College of Engineering</p>

SAT: Not taken
ACT: 34 (single sitting) 32 (additional sitting required by the state of NC) Sent both as required.
SAT IIs: Math II 700, Biology-M 770
GPA: 4.78 weighted
Rank: 1/144
AP: AP US History 5 (not sent)
Senior Year Course load: AP English Lit, Chem II Honors, Calculus (Mars Hill College), AP US Gov, Honors E-commerce, Honors English, Honors Computer Programming (His high school has limited number of AP available)
Awards: First Place Science Fair, Valedictorian, NC Academic Scholar, Junior Marshal, Black Belt Second Degree</p>

Extracurriculars: Black belt in two national taekwondo organizations, tkd instructor trainee, judge tkd belt testings and promotions, church admin council youth rep, thrift store volunteer, tkd junior leadership, church flutist, guest flutist church neighboring town, goat wrangler for local farmers.
Job/Work Experience: no paid work experience, all volunteer
Teacher Recs: Probably good, waived right to see.
Counselor Rec: Counselor has been there less than a year and don’t know well, probably a standard good rec.
Essay: They were excellent. He worked hard on them over the summer. He got into U of Virginia early admission and that was our first indication that his essays are good.
Hook (if any): none</p>

State or Country: North Carolina OOS
School Type: Small, rural public school
Ethnicity: white
Gender: male</p>

<p>Strengths: Well-rounded. Accomplishments in sports, music, excellent long-term community service, and solid academic achievements. Also strong essays.
Weaknesses: Not a lot of in-school extracurriculars but our school is remote so hard to do after school stuff. Average bus ride to our high school is 1.5 hours each way.
General Comments:He’s very happy. His dad applied to Virginia Tech in 1982 and was DENIED so there is much teasing and taunting in our house. (His dad ended up going to U of Rochester.) Anyway, loved the campus and just a 4 hour drive from our home. Seriously considering this school.
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: So far accepted everywhere he’s applied. Only applied to engineering schools. Accepted Early Action at University of Virginia and NC State (goodnight scholar candidate). Accepted RD Penn State, U of Kentucky (40k merit scholarship), Clemson (60k merit scholarship), University South Carolina. Waiting to hear RD from: U of Penn and Vanderbilt.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all the future hokies!</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted General Engineering</p>

<p>Objective: Mechanical Engineering
[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 2090: 600 CR, 750 M, 740 W
[</em>] ACT: N/A
[<em>] SAT II: 770 M2, 720 Physics
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.59
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): Statistics, Calc, Physics, Chem.
[<em>] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: APs and Honors
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National French competition, Science Olympiad, Pres of the Physics club, summer internsips, volunteer work, etc. etc.
[</em>] Home State: MA
[<em>] Demographics: White Male
[</em>] Where else accepted: Pitt, Rutgers.
[li] Where else rejected: McGill, UIUC, Purdue.</p>[/li]
<p>My son is so excited! We have visited in the Fall 2013 and absolutely loved the campus, the vibe, and the real sense of community. </p>

<p>Congrats to those who got in! Good luck to those still waiting.</p>

<p>Spoke with the admissions office. A few RD notifications have been made but the majority of the applications are still being reviewed. Decisions will be released later in March. </p>

<p>Decision: Accepted General Engineering</p>

<p>Objective: Mechanical Engineering
[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 2270: 800 CR, 780 M, 690 W
[</em>] ACT: N/A
[<em>] SAT II: 780 M2, 750 US History
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.4 (weighted 5.7/6)
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 14% in large, highly competitive public magnet HS
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): World History, Euro, English L/C, English Lit, USH, Calculus AB
[<em>] IB (place score in parenthesis): Chemistry HL, Math SL, History HL, English HL, French SL, Anthropology SL, Theory of Knowledge
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: Full IB Diploma plus AP Calc AB
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NMF, Eagle Scout
[</em>] Home State: FL
[<em>] Demographics: White Male
[</em>] Where else accepted: UF, UCF, Rochester, WPI, Stony Brook, Pitt, RIT. Deferred EA to RD Northeastern and Case Western. Still waiting on Lehigh and Queens (Ontario)
[li] Where else rejected: None yet!</p>[/li]
<p>VT was one of the first places we visited and DS was ready to sign up on the spot! It’s certainly among the top tier of his choices. Congratulations to all the new Hokies!</p>

<p>Son just got acceptance letter for Engineering today. He loves the school, but unfortunately it’s going to be too expensive for OOS.</p>

<p>Checked my son’s online portal, it now says that he has been accepted and there is a button to accept and pay a $400 fee or to decline. Still no change in status for the honors college, says that honors application has been reviewed and scored. The admissions packet my S received includes some cool stuff. There’s a re-stickable button that reads “Virginia Tech Hands On. Minds On.” and has hokie bird track prints on it, a bumper sticker that reads “Virginia Tech Invent the Future” and a big mask sized hokie bird face to “snap your picture, your friend’s picture, even your pet’s picture with Hokiebird! Tag your pictures #hokiespirit and share with Hokies everywhere!” That’s fun.</p>

<p>I think that button sticker is a screen cleaner for your phone. Stick it on the back and pull it off when you need it. </p>

<p>So guys, I kinda had a brain fart and can’t remember if I applied for the honors college? How can I check?</p>

<p>Also how will we know when aid has been released?</p>

<p>Congrats to all! My son is a freshman in COE this year and loves it so much. A great thing (as you all know) is that it’s a big enough school to offer many engineering fields which is great because he was sure he wanted one kind but after learning more he has switched his focus.He is in honors but he feels like it’s more focused on and loves non engineers more - just his feeling but now you can look into it yourselves and make your own decision. His honors math that he took wasn’t necessary because he still had to take reg engineering math course. just some thoughts. on the other hand the engineering Galileo dorm was great- met tons of kids with same goals which was great because when it’s project time or exam time everyone is working on the same things and are focused on work. Kids in other dorms had some trouble with other majors still being able to play and be loud. also engineering lab in Galileo dorm isn’t really open 24/7 as they told him . he met great friends there and they found a house to live in next year off campus. All in all he’s really happy he chose VT!</p>

<p>Is it me, or is everyone getting accepted right now OOS?</p>

<p>Son got acceptance to CoE today. We are OOS but used to live in VA. </p>

<p>To check if you applied for honors log In and under fall 2014 there should be a honors link. Click on that. For my daughter it says the app has been reviewed and scored but no decision yet. </p>

<p>Congrats to all the potential new Hokie’s!!! We are OOS andmy son is a freshman in Engineering, in the honors college and honors dorm. He had excellent stats and had quite a few awesome opportunities but ultimately chose VT (which he initially thought was a fall-back school) and literally now could not imagine himself anywhere else. As a parent, I am more impressed with VT every single day. Truly, a stellar institution that takes great care of it’s students… I wear more VT gear than my own alma mater. ha! If any of you have any questions about VT, honors, the honors dorm, etc. please feel free to message me. Just a warming, the honors notification took awhile to arrive… Last year 1600 kids qualified to apply, they only took about 400. It’s not an “automatic” just because you have great stats… Take the application seriously, and same goes for the honors dorm. And the honors dorm is AWESOME, by the way. GO HOKIES!</p>

<p>My daughter received her acceptance letter 2/27/2014. Admitted to General Engineering. We are from New Hampshire. Never anything less than an A- and third in her class. </p>

<p>DD2 received her letter last night. OOS from Mass and legacy. Engineering. 4.6 GPA. 7th in her class. Also accepted to UConn, UWisc, Penn State, UTexas Austin and OSU.</p>

<p>@Bennnie - Has your D applied to OSU EA or RD? My S has been accepted to VT Engineering but his OSU status page still says “Evaluation”. We are from Mass too.</p>

<p>Also, what are your thoughts on VT vs OSU? S is leaning towards VT.</p>

<p>Dad4Engineering - DD2 applied by the earlier deadline in order to be eligible for the National Buckeye Scholarship. Fortunately she received that plus a trustee scholarship , so $14K each year. That was a big reason for applying to OSU - we hoped the merit aid would be good. And she was accepted to the Scholars program, which seems like a coed version of VT’s Hypatia… That plus our DD1 worked with kids from OSU during her summer internship (DD1 is VT Civil 3rd year) and she felt like they were strong interns, just as the kids from Arch Eng at PSU were. I don’t think OSU is as highly ranked in Civ as VT but may be stronger in other fields. We haven’t visited OSU yet so we can’t really comment on the campus. As much as I want OSU to be a contender because of the price tag, the reality is tha DD2 is really choosing between UT-A and VT, both top 10 civil undergraduate programs.</p>

<p>As far as VT is concerned, I would be pretty hard pressed to find anything to criticize the school on. DD1 has had a few bum profs but that’s going to happen anywhere. Her experience, particularly with the career fair and recruiting, has been top notch. She landed a great internship after sophmore year and will be returning to the same company again. Since accepting that offer, she’s had two others. She was given a scholarship to attend an industry conference in Las Vegas because of her participation in a student group. Academics are challenging as would be expected but she’s managed to make Dean’s List a few times. All of that plus really nice friends, good food, decent housing, beautiful campus and tons of fun at football games and other events. </p>