2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>Hey guys, so I do not know about you but I just got my acceptance letter! </p>

<p>College of Engineering!</p>

<p>I had a 2100 on the SATS, good ec's, a ton of extenuating circumstances, and good recommendations.</p>

<p>congrats!! does it say you got in online??</p>

<p>wow! how is that possible!?!?! Are you all regular freshman or transfers? Where are u from?</p>

<p>I got my letter in the mail, but there is no update to the online portal. I am a regular freshman student from the Northeast.</p>


<p>I applied to the COE. They don’t let you commit to a major/program until after freshman year.</p>

<p>Congrats. My son is a Junior at VT in ME. Waiting to see of youngest got in to VT for Biology. Seems COE is ahead of the game again this year…</p>

<p>I am honestly so excited. VT is in a 3 way tie for my top spot so a lot of stress has be lifted from my shoulders. I just have to wait and hear back from GT and NEU</p>

<p>My daughter is OOS and also got in for engineering… .she had over 2000 SATs, 4.9 GPA on her most recent transcript…4.0 Non weighted…was ranked 6th as a jr… We were shocked to hear so soon!! </p>

<p>I can’t remember for the life of me if I applied for honors or not. I never really thought Id get in, so I didn’t think of it much</p>

<p>i applied for engineering as well and I think I am a decent applicant actually (33 ACT w/ 35 on Math). Wondering why I didn’t get the mail? Hopefully, I will get it tomorrow!</p>

<p>Still waiting on mine…non engineer here.</p>

<p>DS sent his mid-year report in recently and received his big envelope today for General Engineering. He is also considering Clemson and Auburn, though was most impressed by Virginia Tech! Very excited to have the opportunity, and surprised to hear this soon.</p>

<p>Can you people who got in tell me where you are from? I applied for engineering and I feel left out :(</p>

<p>I think everyone that got in today was out of state, based off twitter</p>

<p>College of Engineering was really prepared this year!</p>

<p>oh ok. i am an in-state applicant. where exactly did you find that info, piramid292?</p>

<p>just searched “virginia tech” on twitter, everyone who said they got in today was out of state</p>

<p>My son heard today. Didn’t expect to hear so early. He is OOS. Unfortunately, got into his second choice major (business) not first (engineering). Will have to see how hard it is to switch once there.</p>

<p>I feel like VT is especially competitive this year.</p>