2015 African Americans thread...

<p>That sounds like a good plan actually^</p>

<p>how’s everyone doing in their application process?</p>

<p>I’ve got a 3.6/3.7 GPA (91%) and I’m wondering what SAT score I’ll need to get in October to get into Duke ED?</p>

<p>Can anyone give me a rough estimate? I’m a black guy (born in Nigeria, living in Canada) looking to go to an American school. I’ll apply for FA but i might not need it.</p>

<p>@alex: It all looked so simple back in August! Now it seems like even my color-coded Excel spreadsheets can’t keep track of everything. @_@ It’s all so bizarre. Cambridge’s application for overseas students alone makes my head spin. And Barnard’s supplement is crazy. So. Much. Writing. :O) I just have to remember that the very last thing I’m submitting is my transcript (after first quarter ends). As long as I get everything else taken care of and submitted before then, I’m good.</p>

<p>On the bright side, I am thoroughly enjoying the whole process. It’s fun, in a way.</p>

<p>@Nosike: I know nothing about Duke. =X Sorry…</p>

<p>Nosike - since you’ll be considered international you should aim to get high SATs…like around 2250 and above. Also, I’m not sure if most American schools will give much finaid to international students…sorry :confused: but hope that helps!</p>

<p>I really am trying to get all my summer assignments done early so I can work on college essays before school starts! I did finish my Duke supplement, W&M supplement, and halfway done with UVAs supplement. I’m pulling an all nighter to finish my last IB English essay summer assignment!</p>


I’m mostly done. The biggest things I’m worried about are writing my commonapp essay, and getting a good score on the SAT this October. I hope no one is getting stressed out (already).</p>

<p>when are you planning on sending everything in?</p>

<p>Hey everyone!! oh wow. Very stressed about college stuff and a little unsure but I’ve finished all the major portions of my applications and trying to do a little more editing on my essays ( mostly my common app essay and “why cornell” essay).</p>

<p>I feel really bad because I’ve just started on most of my application stuff, and to make matters worse I’m extremely frustrated. I wrote one of my essays for Questbridge last weekend and absolutely hated it. My mom is telling me I’m over thinking it, which is probably the case but I’m just upset and frustrated because writing these essays should be an easy and fun process for me and instead its been a stressful nerve racking one. None of what I have attempted to write so far has flowed, it’s felt forced. At first I thought that if I waited for the inspiration to hit me, I’d be able to write my essays easily. So far however not much has come to me and I can’t wait around forever for the creative ideas to hit me. I want to be done with everything by the end of this month so I can start my revisions in October.
-sigh- sorry for long rant.</p>

<p>I had the same problems with my essays. I was trying to just get them all done, and finshed several drafts of them and then later when I reread them I would hate them and start over. My flow was messed up too. I tried to just stop and waited like 2 weeks for inspiration but it never came. It was hard for me cause I’m a natural writer, but all the admissions stress is just totally blocking me. This time around I’m pretty sure I like what I’ve written but I still may just read them tomorrow and not like them. I wish I had advice on how to fix this cause I would just love to get them out of the way.</p>

<p>That’s exactly how I feel I want to get it out of the way but at the same time I want to enjoy the writing process and so far I have hated every word I’ve typed. Its as if my creativity function in my brain has been turned off. I usually have no problem writing essays or papers no matter the subject but for whatever reason these college app essays are getting the best of me.</p>

<p>Definetly, I think it’s because I feel like my future is riding on them. Or my mind is making it sem that way. Everyone is telling me to relax, whcih is whaat I’m trying to do. I think I’m just gonna put all college stuff on haitus until October 1st (or ill try) because the onyl thing I realy need to do is retake my SATs, get reccomendation letters and send transcripts. S hopefully this break will work</p>

<p>my mom is telling me the same thing, she told me I just need to get out what I’m trying to say then worry about perfecting it later, but so much depends upon my essays ughh</p>

<p>wish I could take a hiatus but I didn’t get a chance to write anything over the summer so I have to get things done this month</p>


Same here. I suppose it’s just pressure from college admissions. I think I’ll be putting some of the college admissions stuff away for a while too. I just hope it doesn’t pile up and come back to bite me.</p>

<p>Yeah, <em>deep breath</em> let the relaxation begin…</p>

<p>ah well I’m feeling a little better today 3 apps are completely taken care of , 2 of which didn’t require any supplemental essay, nevertheless it feels good to have gotten those out of the way. Currently working on my Northwestern statement and I’m feeling good about it so far. I’ll come back to my questbridge essays either later today or tomorrow.</p>

<p>Thats a good idea. At first I didm’t know what to write for Northwestern but I’m getting closer to being done editing it. P.S. the haitus has yet to commence haha, but im trying</p>

<p>I’ll be done with my Common Application once I get the portfolio I’m adding to the Add. Info section together, and all I need to do is get recommendations and fill out three or four honors applications. I’ve finished five supplementary ones, including Barnard, which I’m very excited about. :D</p>

<p>man its not even time to send in applications and im extremely nervous/afraid of the outcome of my decisions :frowning: I really dont want to be forced to attend one of the local state schools</p>