2015 African Americans thread...

<p>Well our time is almost here, so why not start now:)</p>

need the support
how many aps you taking stewart?</p>

<p>most likely six. yourself?</p>

<p>yayyy class of 2015 :slight_smile:
can’t wait to start the college apps !</p>

<p>I know I am so nervous. I am applying to carleton college ED. So hopefully everything works out for the best, but if it doesn’t oh well.</p>

<p>Hey, that’s me! How are you all?</p>

<p>I am so stressed due to junior year. Man, first semester never seemed so important. It seemed like a hell of a lot of work, but now I am calm. Still stressed though. I took my ACTS cold and got a 25, so now I am starting to prep and study for the April ACT. I am hoping to score a 28 or higher. Once that is completed and junior year is over, I shall be stressed out over summer wanting to know when the Carleton college application would be available. THEN, I will apply ED and so begins the waiting process…UGH.lol</p>

<p>How are all of my fellow 2015ers doing? In the same boat?</p>

I 'm really absurdly happy this year b/c last year i took some hard honors classes so I’m glad that this year my aps are easier.
Next year, yeah I might take 5 0r 6 aps
I want to apply to U chicago or columbia.

<p>Hmm, that’s an interesting pair. The U of chicago and columbia. Why those two Nil?</p>

<p>Wow, I always feel so guilty when I hear people on CC talking about how hard their schedules are. This year is kinda challenging for me but I don’t get as much homework as some of the people here. I’m only in one AP (English) though. Lol. I was in AP US, but I dropped it. :/</p>

<p>Wow, good to see everyone’s so excited.
I’m applying to Virginia Tech, JMU, George Mason, and VCU …yeah I’m looking to stay in state lol.</p>

<p>This year has been challenging for me. Taking 7 APs wasn’t a good idea after all. Hopefully it’ll pay off come May. I’m applying to Stanford, Duke, Yale, and Dartmouth, and a couple other schools. But Stanford and Duke are definitely my top choices. </p>

<p>Go Class of '15!</p>

<p>You guys are all so amazing. Wow seven aps? What were you thinking ??!!</p>

<p>you’re crazy…
i’m only taking 3!!!
yeah,U Chicago/Columbia
both have a core
located next to big cities- church/ food stores
excellent minority enrollment</p>

<p>U chicago
love the (hate to be cliche) but quirky vibe
intellectual/political discussions
amazing econmoics department- to me freakonomics was the Mona lisa
farther from home</p>

heard about a lot of debate
apparently good “mock” law team- still needs more research
Love NYC- comfortable there
campus was nice when I visited

<p>Here’s a secret: As you can probably tell, I love U Chicago more…</p>

<p>WOW. 7 ap classes, hopefully it will all pay off.
i know everyone will get accepted to their first choice college !!!</p>

<p>I don’t think I could have a life with 7 during school AP classes. I pull all nighters all too often with 4.
Forgive me if I sound Peter Panish, but don’t sweat junior year too much guys. I’m told it’s a lot harder to make friends in college if you don’t have a few good stories to tell.</p>

<p>Hey ppl :)</p>

<p>I have 4 APs too right now but 7 next year…it’s gonna be interesting haha.
Where is everybody as far as standardized tests? I’ve taken the ACT twice, and Math SAT II</p>

<p>I’m taking the SAT in March for the first time. I did alright on my PSAT (205), but I’m hoping that I make a big improvement on my SAT, I really don’t want to take the test more than once.</p>

<p>I just took the SATS
CR: 800
M: 570

<p>sigh: if only my math came up…</p>