2017-18 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents


Calc AB and Calc BC are AP classes and aren’t offered by colleges.

Do you mean Calc 1 and Calc 2?

Most medical schools do not require 2 semesters of calculus, but there several research-focused medical schools that do. If your son envisions himself as applying to one these research intensive schoosl someday, he will need to take Calc 1 & Calc 2. Your son should check the admission requirements of his in-state public med schools and any other medical school he thinks he would be interested in attending to see what coursework/competences they require in applicants.

Your son should also check the course/co-req requirements for his major. Chem majors, for example are often required to take 2-3 semesters of calculus plus differential equations in order to fulfill graduation requirements.

Whether he takes 1 or 2 semesters of calc, he does need a semester of stats or biostats. His statistics class should be one offered through the math dept and not, say, the business dept. (Stats for business majors and stats for science majors cover different topics and methods.)

Now I can absolutely positively confirm that Vandy is sending out secondary applications. My son just received one. Good luck to those still waiting.

My D got one, too! She was not expecting to get one so soon, or maybe not even at all. She is grateful to be able to get it done before school starts again.

Also, based on stats posted on SDN by kids that received the secondaries, this year they are not screening or they have significantly lowered the numbers.

Well, that might explain it. Regardless, she is still happy to have the opportunity to apply.

Got the Vandy secondary here as well…all are now in except for one through the Texas system…

D got first II this morning!

I think it finally feels real to me now.

Probably a really dumb question for those of you whose kids have gone through this before:

On the interview day, does the applicant take her/his suitcase to the interview? Is there a room where all the stuff is stored during the interview, tour, etc.?

It’s funny the things I haven’t thought of until now. I’ll probably have more dumb questions soon.

Yes, and yes.

Two options re: suitcase

  1. Most med schools will hold an interviewee’s suitcase for them during interview day. (But ask the admissions office ahead of time.)

  2. Hotels have a luggage storage room where they will hold a suitcase until you can come pick it up later. (Ask at the check-in/check-out desk.)

@Belle315 Application process is learned, not innate. So no such thing as a dumb question when you have a child that gets this far in process. So ask away. Congrats and good luck to D.

Speaking of dumb question… I have one to ask, sorry!..
@Belle315, when you said, “D got first II this morning!”. Does that mean she received an invitation to submit her secondary for that particular school?


D got an invitation to interview. I have seen others use the shorthand “II” (Interview Invitation), so I just copied them.

@moonpie can tell you I asked her a while back in a private message what a “II” was. In my head, I was saying “Two”, so I thought it was a secondary, too. :slight_smile:

This is why I love the CC community and all the experts on this thread. :x

@Belle315, thanks for the explanation and you made me feel better about not being the only one not knowing.
Well, congratulations to your D getting her first II this morning!!!

I am amazed at one aspect of this humongous process: the seeming arrogance of some med schools to dictate the specific time and day of the interview on quite short notice (e.g. 3 weeks from the email invite); yes they offer the option to ask for an alternate date, but with the threat that it can only be done once. Flights depending on the destination and origin can be crazy expensive on such short notice…rant over.
And yes, I’m grateful at least that the interview invite was extended.

3 weeks? I don’t remember what school it was but my daughter had one with a 2 week notice. I scrambled to get an immediate flight.

They have you by the ba**s, play by their rules and timeline or dont play at all.

@CottonTales has it right. Some med schools offer single date–take it or leave it. No alternative dates available. No reschedules available.

The med school interview process is expensive. Short notice plane tickets is just one reason why.

And if think med school interviews are crazy–wait until your kidlet is interviewing for residency.

A program will send out a burst of IIs–and whoever can get to their site first will get one of the limited number of slots. MS4s carry their phones everywhere with them so they can respond instantly. Delay responding by 15 minutes–and all that’s left are waitlist spots.

And for residency–you might literally get 1-3 days notice for an interview. D1 did. She was at one interview, got a late invite to another and literally flew directly from a location in New England to one on the West Coast with ticket purchased the same day she flew. (Actually D1 ended up buying 2 stand-by tickets on 2 different airlines to insure she somehow got to where she needed to be. By the end of interview season she had sooooo many ticket credits & airline points, she was able to fly to Tahiti for vacation for free after graduation.)

Okay I just spent way too much time reading through the 2013 thread for this subject…very exciting to follow the path through this process. @kal123 I particularly enjoyed reading your posts as regards your oldest who skated so successfully through it. My son has expienced spurts so far as regards interview invites; happily he has 4 so far, including UVa, Baylor, & Vandy for which he is completely stoked and I am grateful. Regarding the spurts, he got the first invite, then nothing for 2-3 weeks, then the other 3 within 48 hours. Silence again now for several days…ho hum, thumb twiddle, yawn… :-S

Wow. 4 Invites already! Your son is going to have a very, very successful process. Congratulations!

Even getting an invite is an amazing achievement. Sounds like we will be hearing some good results by the end of this application cycle.

D got an II to her top choice school today! It is most definitely a reach-reach school for her, so she really expected to be rejected. She is over the moon.